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Discussion. 1. When was steam first used to perform work?

1. When was steam first used to perform work?

2. Discuss the historical significance of the development of steam engines.

3. What was the first steam engine designed to do?

4. What happens to water when it is boiled?

5. What happens when the vessel in which water has been boiled is cooled? What is the result of this cooling?

6. How did the Savory engine work? How were the valves operated?

7. How did the Newcomer engine improve on the Savory engine?

8. What part did the walking beam play in the Newcomer engine?

9. How were the valves on the Newcomer engine "automated"?

10. What is Watt often credited with? What did he do in fact? Why was it such a great success?

11. Describe Watt's improvement on Newcomer’s engine.

12. What step did Pickard take in the development of the steam engine?

13. How did this affect Watt?

14. What device did Watt invent to change reciprocating to rotary motion?

15. Discuss some of the difficulties of early boiler-making.

16. What developments made it possible to utilize steam pressure?

17. What made the nineteenth century the age of steam?

18. Describe a nineteenth century factory.

19. Name two new power sources that threatened the preeminence of steam by the end of the nineteenth century. What was one major advantage of electricity?

20. Have automobiles always used internal combustion engines? Why is there renewed interest in the possibility of other kinds of engines for cars?

21. In what area does steam still play a vital part?

22. Explain how turbines and generators help to produce electricity. What powers the turbines?

23. How is steam used in electric generating plants that utilize nuclear energy?


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 675 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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