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Machine components

apart from – вже не кажучи про..., окрім, не враховуючи

engage – чіпляти

axis – вісь

axial – осьовий

spur gear - циліндрична шестерня

pinion – шестерня (рідко – зубчасте колесо)

designate – називати, характеризувати, призначати

helical – спіральний, гвинтовий

helix – спіраль

herringbone – в ‘ялинку’

bevel – зубчаста передача

slant – косий, похилий

worn gear – черв’ячна передача

mesh – зачіпляти, зчіплюватися

screw – гвинт

rack – зубчаста рейка

cam – палець, кулачок, кулачковий диск

impart – давати, додавати

follower – штовхач

rod – важіль, рейка

joint –шов

ratchet –храповиковий механізм

pawl – запобіжник

evolve – залучати

versatility – різнобічність

velocity – швидкість

inverse – зворотній, протилежний

bear – витримувати, нести вантаж

hour-glass – пісочний годинник

oscillating – коливати

timing - пристосування

needle – голка

solid – міцний, надійний

link – шарнір, куліса

pivot – стрижень

path – траєкторія

predetermine – зумовлювати, вирішувати наперед

coil – дротяна спіраль, змійовик

scale - шкала

Special Terms:

Mechanism: Acomponent of a machine that transmits or changes motion. Kinematics: A branch of the science of mechanics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force.

Gear: Awheel with teeth that can engage another wheel with teeth; gears work in pairs to transmit or change motion.

Axial Motion: Motion around an axis, the line around which a wheel rotates.

Spur Gear: A gear with straight teeth parallel to the axis.

Pinion: The smaller member of a pair of gears or the smallest gear of a series; gear is used to designate the larger member.

Helical Gear: A gear with teeth cut in the shape of a helix.

Herringbone Gear: A helical gear with two sets of teeth at equal but opposite angles to each other.

Bevel Gear: A gear with teeth slanted at an angle to the plane of the wheel itself.

Worm Gear: A mechanism consisting of a gear that meshes with a worm, a screw with helical teeth.

Rack and Pinion: A gear mechanism composed of a rack (a straight bar with teeth) and a pinion (a spur gear).

Cam: A rotating or sliding piece of machinery that acts as part of a pair to impart or receive motion.

Follower: The other part of a cam mechanism, usually a rod and shaft that receives and transmits motion from the cam.

Linkage: Amechanism consisting of rods connected to each other by joints that permit motion.

Spring: An elastic material that returns to its original shape after being forced out of that shape.

Leaf Spring: A spring made of strips, rather than a spiral, of elastic material which is usually metal.

Ratchet: A mechanism that works with a pawl. The ratchet is a bar or wheel with inclined teeth; the pawl is usually a rod that can drop between the teeth to permit motion in only one direction.

Vocabulary Practice:

1. How does a mechanism differ from a machine?

2. What is studied in kinematics?

3. Describe a gear.

4. What is axial motion?

5. How are the teeth cut in a spur gear?

6. What is a pinion?

7. How are the teeth cut in a helical gear?

8. Describe a herringbone gear.

9. How are the teeth cut in a bevel gear?

10. What is a worm gear?

11. Describe a rack and pinion mechanism.

12. What is a cam?

13. What is a follower?

14. What is a linkage?

15. Describe a spring.

16. How does a leaf spring differ from the usual type of spring?

17. Discuss a ratchet and pawl.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 748 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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