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Discussion. 1. Why is a steam engine called sometimes an external combustion engine?

1. Why is a steam engine called sometimes an external combustion engine? How does this indicate its difference from an internal combustion engine?

2. What were some of the early fuels used for internal combustion engines?

3. Outline the development of petroleum products in relation to development of the internal combustion engine.

4. Who invented the first workable internal combustion engine?

5. Describe the working of a four-stroke engine.

6. What do the carburetor, the spark plugs, and the valves do in a four-stroke engine?

7. What helps the piston over its first two strokes?

8. Name another necessary component of the four-stroke engine. Why does it make only one revolution for every two of the crankshaft?

9. Was Otto's engine successful? What was its drawback?

10. Name one of the pioneers in adapting the Otto engine to transportation.

11. Discuss the impact of the automobile.

12. Discuss some of the new developments in automobiles.

13. What other vehicle developed at about the time those automobiles became popular?

14. When, where, and by whom was the first successful flight in a powered aircraft taken? How long did that flight last?

15. Discuss the importance of powered flight.

16. What are two necessary conditions for powered aircraft engines? What kind of engine meets these requirements?

17. What is a radial engine? How are the cylinders attached to the crankshaft?

18. Who was Rudolf Diesel?

19. What is the principle on which a diesel engine works?

20. What are some advantages of the diesel engine?

21. What are some uses of the diesel engine?

22. How does a diesel locomotive work?


A. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase.

1. _______________ is a word that means fire or burning.

2. In a _______________ engine the piston makes two upward and two downward movements.

3. The first successful internal combustion engine, the _______________engine, was invented by a German.

4. Gasoline is changed into a vapor and mixed with air in a

5. A _______________ stores energy that is used to help the piston make the first two strokes in a four-stroke cycle.

6. A _______________, which controls the opening and closing of the valves in the cylinder, makes only one revolution to every two of the crankshaft.

7. In an internal combustion engine, a fire or combustion takes place inside the _______________ of the engine.

8. _______________, a German inventor, was a pioneer in adapting the internal combustion engine for transportation in the form of the automobile.

9. The _______________ system causes combustion in car cylinders several hundred times a minute.

10. A _______________ is an aircraft that flies without power as a result of the action of air currents.

11. Aircraft powered by internal combustion engines usually had _______________ engines with the cylinders arranged like the spokes in a wheel.

12. The propeller of an aircraft makes a ______________ motion.

13. An internal combustion engine that compresses air until it becomes so hot that an explosion takes place when fuel is in­jected into the cylinder is known as a _______________ engine.

B. Label the parts in this diagram of the internal combustion engine. Then explain briefly what function each one of these performs.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1225 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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