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Special Terms



apprenticeship – навчання, учнівство

cost-conscious – економний

braking system – гальмівна система

customer – замовник

chip arrow – стругати стріли

spear – спис

hazard – перешкода, ризик, шанс

forerunner – попередник

craftsman – майстер, ремісник

trial – досвід, проба

ramp – трап, скат, похила площина

quantify – змінюватися кількістю, квантифікувати

verify - перевіряти

slave labor – праця рабів

engineering – техніка, інженерне мистецтво

end – результат, наслідок

refer to – посилатися на

maintain – підтримувати, втримувати

empirical – емпіричний, досвідчений

observation - спостереження

acute angle – гострий кут

tightening – стискання, ущільнення

levering – балансирування

wedge – клин; щось, що має форму клина

inclined plane – похила площина

devise – винаходити

foot-pound – футо-фунт

input – потужність, споживання, ввід, підвід

output – випуск

intent – призначати, мати на увазі

mining – гірнича промисловість

matter – матерія

brake up - розбивати

Special Terms

Engineering: The application of scientific principles to practical ends. An engineer is a member of the engineering profession, though the term also refers to people who operate or maintain certain kinds of equipment—a locomotive engineer on a railroad for example. In the latter use, the person referred to is a highly trained technician rather than a professional engineer.

Empirical Information: Information that is based on observation and experience rather than on theoretical knowledge.

Wedge: A triangular-shaped piece of material with one very acute angle. It is one of the simple basic machines used for tightening or levering.

Inclined Plane: A surface at an angle less than 90° from the horizontal. It is another simple or basic machine used to raise or lower a load by rolling or sliding.

Quantification: Giving numerical values to information.

Horsepower: A measure used in the English-speaking countries for the work performed by a machine. It was devised in the eighteenth century by James Watt and equals 33,000 foot-pounds per minute.

Mechanical Advantage: The ratio of the output force of a machine to the input force necessary to work the machine.

Mechanical Engineering: The branch of engineering that deals with machines and their uses.

Industrial engineering is a branch of this field that deals with the use of machines in industrial environments such as factories.

Civil Engineering: The branch of engineering that deals with the design and building of structures intended to be stationary— buildings, dams, and bridges, for example.

Mining and Metallurgy: The branch of engineering that deals with extracting materials from the earth and refining them.

Chemical Engineering: The branch of engineering that deals with processes involving reactions among the elements, the basic natural substances.

Petroleum engineering deals specifically with processes involving petroleum.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering: The branch of engineering that deals with the effects and processes resulting from the behavior of tiny particles of matter called electrons.

Aerospace Engineering: A branch of engineering that deals with flight in the earth's atmosphere or in space.

Nuclear Engineering: A modern branch of engineering that deals with the processes resulting from the break-up of some particles of matter.

Systems Engineer: An engineer who coordinates the work of other engineers from different disciplines who are involved in one project.

Profession: An occupation such as law, medicine or engineering which requires specialized education at the university level.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 994 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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