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lever – важіль, рукоятка
rigid – жорсткий
bar – стрижень
fulcrum – точка опори, центр обертання
effort – зусилля
axle – вісь, вал
crank – кривошип
a bent shaft – зігнутий вал
vice versa – навпаки
groove – робити проріз, паз, нарізку
rim – скоба, обід
pulley – шків
housing – корпус, кожух
tackle – складний блок, устаткування
wedge – клин
taper – конус, звужуватися
inclined plane – похила площина
screw – гвинт
helical – спіральний
helix – спіраль, спіральна лінія
cork screw – штопор, гвинтоподібний, спіральний
jack – домкрат, важіль
stick – палиця
pry – піднімати
seesaw – гойдалка
topple – валити, перекидати
wheelbarrow – тачка
foot-treadle – ніжна педаль
lengthen – подовжувати, розтягувати
exert – докладати (зусиль)
arm – плече, рукоятка
log – поліно, колода
chariot – колісниця
clay - глина
stream – потік
divert – відводити
hoisting – підняття
leverage –система важелів, підйомна сила
suspend – підвішувати
upward –спрямований вгору
split – розбивати, розколювати
apart – окремо
quarry –здобич, добувати каміння
axe - сокира
hail – цвях
compute – обчислювати, підраховувати
breadth – ширина
ramp – похила площина
Special Terms:
Lever: A basic machine consisting of a rigid piece or bar that turns on a point.
Fulcrum: The point on which a lever turns.
Effort End: The point where force is applied to a lever.
Load End: The point where there is resisting force on a lever.
Wheel and Axle: A basic machine consisting of a wheel that rotates on a shaft called the axle.
Crank: A bent shaft or arm for transmitting motion or changing from rotary to reciprocating motion and vice versa.
Pulley: A basic machine consisting of a wheel with a grooved rim through which a rope, wire, or chain is passed.
Block: A pulley contained in housing; the combination of a fixed and a movable block together with a rope is known as a block and tackle.
Wedge: A basic machine consisting of a piece of material tapering to a thin edge.
Inclined Plane: A basic machine; at its simplest a surface at an angle to the horizon.
Screw: A basic machine sometimes described as a helical inclined plane or a cylinder with a helical groove around the outer surface.
Helix: The corkscrew-shaped figure that results from wrapping the line of an inclined plane around a cylinder; the plural is helices.
Jack: A device used to raise heavy weights for short distances.
Vocabulary Practice:
1. What is a lever?
2. What part of the lever is the fulcrum?
3. What is the difference between the effort end and the load end of a lever?
4. What does a wheel and axle consist of?
5. What does a crank do?
6. Describe a pulley.
7. What is a block? What does a block and tackle consist of?
8. What is a wedge?
9. What is an inclined plane?
10. Describe a screw.
11. What is the shape of the helix?
12. What is a jack?
Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 913 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!