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Контрольное задание № 2

Вариант 2.

Задание 1. Переведите предложения и поставьте их в отрицательную форму. Задайте по одному вопросу с вопросительными словами приведенными в скобках.

1. Fabrica Peruana is a large manufacturer and importer of plastic products in Peru.(Who?)

2. The firm has specialized in the production of industrial plastics, particularly for the construction industry. (What ….in?)

3. The sales manager wrote directly to the headquarters of four multinational chemical companies to obtain information about pricing and product availability. (What … about?)

4. A substantial number of small companies,specializing in export marketing and located in various parts of the United States, had sent letters expressing their interest in selling the PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes to Fabrica Peruana.(How many?)

5. Fabrica Peruana’s financial manager was very pleased, in general, with the proposed transactions, but he was somewhat worried about the firm’s creditworthiness. (Why?)

6. His normal bank, Banco Continental, wanted to offer the letter of credit needed for such a large transaction without some additional form of guarantee. (Who?)

7. He also considered the possibility of obtaining a bank loan to cover the two-thirds of the purchase price still needed. (What?)

8. The technology needed to produce the pipe was well known, and could be obtained through a license from any of twenty or more companies that possessed it. (How?)

9. Two years would probably be needed to begin production, given the existing facilities and an additional investment of about US $1 million in equipment and modifications of the past.(How long?)

10. Considering that the demand for the tubing was likely to continue in the future, the general manager judged that it was worthwhile to consider producing the PVC in the factory that FP already maintained just outside of Lima. (What?)

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

in, of, on, for, to, by, from, as, within, into.

1. Any investment project … another country is complicated by the fact that more than one currency is involved.

2. The most important factors to be measured are the amount … money needed for the original investment, the cost of obtaining those funds.

3. These locations were selected …the basis of production costs, access to markets.

4. The break-up of AT&T left the operating companies regrouped into seven corporations, with responsibility …providing local telephone service in seven areas of the United States.

5. To operate a business successfully, the manager needs to make decisions that maximize the returns …the owners of the company.

6. One positive aspect of government policy was the funding provided … the national export-promotion agency for feasibility studies of export projects.

7. In addition, in many industries the quality of Japanese products is perceived to be better than that of firms … other countries.

8. The purpose of this case is to focus attention on the issue of labour productivity, using the Japanese model … a basis for the discussion.

9. Large industrial corporations in Japan have followed a practice of hiring their employees and managers directly from high school or college, then keeping them employed throughout their careers … the same firm.

10. Someone hired as a financial analyst may be shifted … the personnel department after four or five years.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения. Заполните пропуски одним из приведенных вариантов.

1.Virtually all banking institutions in the U.S., as well as Canada and Great Britain, … privately owned.

a) were, b) are, c) is.

2.Commercial banks in Europe tend … more business oriented and limit their lending to shorter-term loans.

a) being, b) have been, c) to be.

3.The share of the deposits and loans handled by the major European banks … to be considerably larger than that handled by their U.S. counterparts.

a) tend, b) is tending, c) tends.

4. This stems from the absence of restrictions on branching, … the large European banks to maintain extensive networks of branches in their home countries.

a) leading, b) which lead, c) was leading.

5.The absence of an antitrust tradition also … for the greater degree of concentration.

a) is accounting, b) account, c) accounts.

6.A common system of arranging consumer payments in Europe …the use of giro accounts.

a) was, b) has been, c) is.

7.In a giro transaction, the payer … order the giro bank to pay specific sums to a number of payees.

a) would, b) shall, c) will.

8.The payer's account is debited, and the payees' accounts …credited.

a) is, b) were, c) are.

9.The trend to informal dress … … clothing styles dramatically.

a) change, b) has changed, c) is changed.

10.Attempts to maintain resale prices … facilitated for many years under federal and state fair-trade laws.

a) аre; b) have been; c) were.

Задание 4. Переведите приведенные ниже предложения.

1. Очень мало совместных предприятий просуществовало более нескольких лет прежде чем партнеры решили прекратить данный проект и работать по одиночке.

2. Он провел более месяца в обсуждениях с местной фирмой о формировании совместного предприятия для производства электрических моторов.

3. Биатрис Компанис (Beatrice Companies) – широко известный производитель продуктов, напитков, лекарств и других продуктов в 30 странах.

4. Компания, образованная в 1945 году, увеличилась до двух фабрик и насчитывает свыше 1000 сотрудников.

5. Америтех (Ameritech) – один из четырех крупнейших производителей военных и коммерческих самолетов и электронного оборудования для навигации.

6. Внутренние авиалинии более чем 10 государств используют самолеты Америтех для своих полетов.

7. Государственным служащим не разрешается принимать участие в частном бизнесе.

8. Внешняя торговля существует когда компании либо ищут новые рынки для продажи своих товаров в других странах, либо ищут новые источники поставки продукции в другие страны.

9. Например, если производство стали в Японии стоит 300 долларов, а в США 400 долларов, тогда американские покупатели будут приобретать сталь у японских компаний-производителей.

10. XM Company- расположенная в Майями корпорация, занимающаяся покупкой продуктов у производителей в США для продажи в Латинской Америке и странах Карибского бассейна.

Задание 5. Переведите текст на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.

International Monetary Fund (IMF).

International Monetary Fund (IMF)is a specialized agency of the United Nations, established, along with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference held in 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The IMF began operations in 1947. Its purpose is to promote international monetary cooperation to facilitate the expansion of international trade. The IMF is a permanent forum for consideration of issues of international payments, in which member nations are encouraged to maintain an orderly pattern of exchange rates and to avoid restrictive exchange practices. Membership included 181 countries in 1995 and is open to all independent nations.


Members undertake to keep the IMF informed about economic and financial policies that impinge on the exchange value of their national currencies so that other members can make appropriate policy decisions. On joining the fund, each member is assigned a quota in special drawing rights (SDRs), the fund's unit of account. Each member's quota is an amount corresponding to its relative position in the world economy. As the world's leading economy, the United States has the largest quota. In 1997 the U.S. SDR quota was about 26.5 billion. The smallest quota, that of the Marshall Islands, was about SDR 2.5 million. The amount of the quota subscription determines how large a vote a member will have in IMF deliberations.

1. What is International Monetary Fund?

2. Where was it established?

3. When did it begin operations?

4. What is it’s purpose?

5. How many countries are the members of International Monetary Fund?

Верны ли следующие утверждения?

1. Membership included 181 countries and is open to all independent nations.

2. International Monetary Fund was founded in 1955.

3. The IMF is a permanent forum for consideration of issues of international trade.

4. The U.S. quota was $26.5 billion.

5. The smallest quota was of the Caribbean Islands.

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. What is International Monetary Fund?

a). the World Bank; b).fund for helping all the countries; c). a specialised agency of United Nations.

2. When did it begin operations?

a) in 1955, b) in 1960, c) in 1947.

3. How many countries are the members of International Monetary Fund?

a)181, b) all the countries, c) only 10 countries.

4. What is each member assigned on joining the fund?

а) a quota in special drawing rights (SDRs), the fund's unit of account,

b) balance,

c) information on the situation in the world market.

5. What was the quota of the Marshall Islands?

a) the Marshall Islands had no quota,

b) about 2.5 million,

c) about 3 million.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 323 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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