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A) constant prices , b) natural prices , c) changing prices

Контрольное задание № 2.

Вариант 1.

Задание 1. Переведите предложения и поставьте их в отрицательную форму. Задайте по одному вопросу с вопросительными словами приведенными в скобках..

1. There are some aspects of finance which are studied individually. (What?)

2. There is a great variety of conditions marketing managers in international business must cope with. (Where?)

3. It was his strategy of promoting this new product. (Whose?)

4. In the USA, “Monster Chomps” were soft cookies much thicker and softer than the cookies sold normally in Brazil. (Where?)

5. The problem of translation may present a great problem for the firm that wants to enter a foreign market. (Why?)

6. The company which was founded in 1945, had grown to include 2 manufacturing plants and over 1000 employees by 1983. (When?)

7. This part of the strategy has become the most important one. (Which?)

8. This analysis was done by the professional marketing manager. (Who?)

9. A whole new package design was chosen to appeal both children and adults. (What for?)

10. Children and adults in Brazil liked this kind of cookies. (Who?)

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

on, in, up, of, for, upon, with, to, at

1. Lets listen.… the report of our marketing department.

2. Next week we shall have a meeting.… the head of planning department.

3. We should wait.… the results of financial analysis.

4. Both parties should agree.… the payment terms on the contract.

5. The new strategy of the company was much spoken ….

6. Try to touch.… these problems in your report.

7. It is difficult to rely.…the bank system in the period of financial crisis.

8. …. what time do you usually read your financial magazine?

9. This bank was founded.… 1897.

10. Our public relations manager will comment.… the new strategy of the company.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения. Заполните пропуски одним из приведенных вариантов.

1. Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has been operating in the USA since 1875, when it...an agency in San Francisco.

a) opens, b) opened, c) open.

2. Chairman of HSBC in Hong Kong felt that it ….be possible to set up an agency in New York.

a) will, b) would, c) won’t.

3. Economy ….an important role in the life of the country.

a) played, b) playing, c) plays.

4. The International Banking Act of 1978 allowed foreign banks ….Edge Act Corporations, subsidiaries of banks that are allowed to engage only in international banking.

a) to allow, b) allowing, c) allows.

5. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and western Europe …. during the 16th through the early 18th century.

a) occurs, b) occurred, c) has occurred.

6. However, since the end of the Cold War in 1991, policy makers and scholars …. new attention to the importance of the international political economy in the study of international relations.

a) directed, b) have directed, c) directing.

7. Students of international political economy examine how government policies.... economic trends and why nations adopt specific economic policies.

a) to affect, b) affected, c) affect.

8. International trade …. a nation to specialise in those goods it can produce most

cheaply and efficiently.

a) enable, b) to enable, c) enables.

9. Sales promotion, element of the marketing process that can close the sale of goods or services to a potential customer by …. the incentive to make a positive purchase decision.

10. a) provide, b) providing, c) provides.

10. The lack of personal feedback between buyer and seller is sometimes …. a drawback of the advertising approach.

a) considering, b) considered, c) considers.

Задание 4. Переведите приведенные ниже предложения.

1. Принципы, лежащие в основе свободной рыночной экономики, были заложены в 18 веке экономистом Адамом Смитом.

2. При свободной рыночной экономике функция государства ограничена обеспечением, так называемых, “ товаров народного потребления».

3. Внешняя торговля- обмен товарами и услугами между нациями.

4. Внешняя торговля расширяет потенциальный рынок для товаров определенной экономики.

5. Благосостояние государства измерялось товарами, которыми оно обладало, в частности золотом и драгоценными металлами.

6. Внешняя торговля начала приобретать свою современную форму с установлением государств в 17-18 веках.

7. Главы государств поняли, что продвигая внешнюю торговлю, они смогут увеличить богатство, и, таким образом, мощь своих государств.

8. Целью империи было получение большего богатства при наименьших затратах.

9. Такая форма внешней торговли, называемая меркантилизмом, была общепринятой в 16-17-х веках.

10. Внешняя торговля позволяет нации специализироваться на тех товарах, которые государство может произвести эффективно и по низким ценам.

Задание 5. Переведите текст на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.


Finance is a branch of economics concerned with providing funds to individuals, businesses, and governments. Finance allows these entities to use credit instead of cash to purchase goods and invest in projects. For example, an individual can borrow money from a bank to buy a home. An industrial firm can raise money through investors to build a new factory. Governments can issue bonds to raise money for projects.

Finance plays an important role in the economy. As banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions provide credit, they help to expand the economy by directing funds from savers to borrowers. For example, a bank acquires large amounts of money from the deposits of individual savers. The bank does not let this money sit idle but instead provides loans to borrowers who might then build a house or expand a business. The savings of millions of people percolate through many financial institutions.

A wide variety of financial institutions have different roles in finance and the economy. Some institutions link lenders and borrowers. These institutions act as an intermediary among consumers, businesses, and governments by lending out deposits. Other institutions, such as stock exchanges, provide a market for existing securities, which include stocks and bonds. Stock exchanges encourage investment because they enable investors to sell their securities when the need arises.

Many aspects of finance are studied individually. Corporate finance centres on how businesses can best raise and spend their funds. Public finance focuses on the financial role of federal, state, and local governments.

1. What does finance allow to individuals, businesses, governments?

2. What an individual can borrow money from the bank for?

3. What is the role of finance in the economy?

4. What do the stock exchanges provide a market for?

5. What aspects of finance do you know?

Верны ли следующие утверждения?

1) Finance, branch of economics concerned with public relations activity of the company.

2) Finance helps expand the economy by directing funds from savers to borrowers.

3) The bank lets money sit idle and doesn’t provide loans to borrowers who might then build a house or expand a business.

4) Banks act as an intermediary among consumers, businesses, and governments by lending out deposits.

5) Public finance centres on how businesses can best raise and spend their funds.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

What does finance allow entities to use instead of cash?

a) foreign stamps;

b) credit;

c) jewellery.

What does bank do with money from the deposits of individual savers?

a) lets this money sit idle;

b) sends it abroad;

c) provides loans to borrowers.

What role do all financial institutions have?

a) they have one role;

b) their role is to give money to population;

c) they have different roles,

What does corporate finance centre on?

a) history of financial science;

b) how business can best raise and spend their funds;

d) analyzing of economic situation in the country.

What does public finance centre on?

a) financial role of federal, state, local governments;

b) federal budget planning;

c) local government structure.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 203 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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