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In, to, of, since, with, by, around, into, on, for

1. Towns and cities cover only about 10 per cent.… the land.

2. Britain has one of the most efficient agricultural industries.… Europe.

3..… big industrial centres kitchen gardening is highly developed.

4. In Britain less milk is used …. manufactured products.

5. Textile industries migrated.… the Southern states.

6. Its industrial supremacy was threatened.… the opening of the Eric Canal.

7. At 19th century flood of immigrants converted Boston.… a thriving industrial metropolis.

8. The state is based.… the high percentage of its population working in manufacturing.

9. “Town” in New England is a municipal corporation.… less elaborate organisations and powers than a city.

10. The state’s textile business has declined …. the 1920’s.

Задание 3.Переведите предложения на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Instrument engineering produces …. scientific.… industrial instruments.

a) both…and, b) as…as, c) so…as.

2. Coal.… the leading mineral resource of Britain.

a) to be, b) were, c) was.

3. From the air Britain still looks like an …. country.

a) agricultural, b) agriculture, c) agriculturally.

4. Much of the rest of the land ….

a) are cultivating, b) is cultivated, c) are cultivated.

5. The horticultural industry of Britain.… a wide variety of fruit, vegetables and flower crops.

a) to produce, b) produce, c) produces.

6. It.… include several cities and towns close together which make up one economic unit.

a) may, b) should, c) must.

7. Coal-mining was one of the …. British industries.

a) important, b) more important, c) most important.

8..…include electrical engineering, plastics and North Sea oil and gas.

a) these, b) this, c) that.

9. Only about 1-2 per cent of the workforce.… in agriculture.

a)employ, b)are employed, c)employs.

10. It’s a.… market for fish, sea-food and wool.

a) necessity, b) necessary, c) necessarily.

Задание 4. Переведите приведенные ниже предложения на русский язык.

1.Новый метод привлек к себе внимание многих ученых.

2.Каждая фирма имеет свой особый метод.

3.Вы должны проверить товар немедленно.

4.После разгрузки товар был отправлен на склад.

5.Нет надежды, что мы получим полный анализ этих продаж.

6.Если товары будут уничтожены пожаром, фрахтователи имеют право аннулировать данный чартер.

7.Мы настаивали на более благоприятных условиях платежа.

8.Стоимость системы контроля, необходимого как для оборудования, так и для штата, очевидно, велика.

9.Все функции механизированы и автоматизированы.

10.Еще совсем недавно на кораблях использовалась ткань.

Задание 5. Переведите текст на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.

Bank of England.

Bank of England is a central bank of Great Britain, a financial institution with special privileges and responsibilities. Located in London, it is often called the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. The Bank of England was incorporated on July 27, 1694, as a private joint-stock association, with a capital of 1.2 million pounds. In return for the loan of its entire capital to the government it received the right to issue notes and a monopoly on corporate banking in England.

From the outset the Bank of England was a servant of the government. In 1844 the bank was divided into two departments, the Issue Department and the Banking Department. The former, strictly regulated, was given the authority to issue notes covered by government securities in the amount of 11,015,100 pounds, representing the indebtedness of the government to the bank. Notes could be issued also on other securities, on gold coin and bullion, and on silver bullion. Gradually the right to issue notes, once a privilege of several British banks, was restricted to the Bank of England.

In the Banking Department, the Bank of England differs from other joint-stock banks because it is the banker for the government and the repository of the British monetary reserves.

On March 1, 1946, the bank, privately owned for 252 years, was placed under government ownership, the treasury holding the capital stock. The nationalised bank, operating under the charters of 1694 and 1946, manages the British national debt, issues notes, and administers exchange control regulations. The bank is administered by a governor, a deputy governor, and 16 directors; all are appointed by the Crown.

1. What is the Bank of England?

2. What departments was the bank divided into?

3. What are their authorities?

4. On March 1,1946, the bank was placed under government ownership, wasn’t it?

5. Who is the bank administrated by?

Верны ли следующие утверждения?

1. It is often called the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street.

2. The Bank of England was incorporated on July 27,1994.

3. It was a private joint-stock association with no capital at all.

4. From the outset the Bank of England was a servant of the government.

5. All the administration isn’t appointed by the Crown.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1.Where is the Bank of England located?

a) in London, b) in Oxford, c) in Cambridge.

2.When was the bank divided into two departments.

a) in 1944, b) in 1844, c) in 1998.

3. How long has the bank been privately owned?

a) for 52 years, b) for 252 years, c) for 452 years.

4.What does the nationalized bank issue?

a) notes, b) letters, c) messages.

5.Who is the administration of the bank appointed by?

a) the Queen, b) the Parliament, c) the Crown

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