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Sports Souvenirs

Diana: Hi, Steve! I’ve got two tickets for the Tigers and Sabres game.

Steve: That’s great! You know, I have a shirt with Eddie Jackson’s number.

Diana: I’m jealous. So, you collect Tiger’s things. Well, then you must visit our sports club. There’s a café there, where we like to meet. They have a lot of interesting things there. You may be lucky enough to get an autograph of a football or hockey star there.

Steve: I collect newspaper and magazine articles about them and besides I have a lot of posters and photos of the players. I even have a puck from last year’s championship game. Jackie Edwards scored the final goal with it.

Diana: Do you play hockey?

Steve: Not now. I used to play for the University. Now I prefer tennis.

Diana: Our club has got tennis courts. I can recommend you for membership. The guys are good there and the coaches are, too. We must keep ourselves in shape.

Steve: Great! I/m new here, you know. And to make good friends here in practically no time is fabulous. When can I see you at your club?

Diana: On Sunday, I think. I’ll call you.

Steve: Great! I’ll look forward to it.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 204 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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