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Sunday Football

Jorge Gutierrz, from Argentina, is visiting his friend Howard Sloan in Washington, D.C. It is early in December.

Howard: Jorge, since this is Sunday, I hope you don’t mind if we watch a football game on TV.

Jorge: Not at all, Howie. I’ve been looking forward to watching one of your football games. As you know, football is an entirely different sport in my country.

Howard: Soccer! I know. More and more North Americans are learning to play soccer. It’s fast, rough, and very exciting.

Jorge: You’ll have to explain the rules of football to me. I want to be able to follow the game.

Howard: I’ll do my best. Pass me the sports section of the newspaper, will you? The Post should have the time the game starts. I don’t want to miss the kickoff.

Jorge: Let me see if I can find it. Here it is, on the second page. It says “Washington versus Dallas, 1p.m. on Channel 9.” Does that sound right?

Howard: Yes. Games usually start at 1 or 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Of course, that’s in the East. On the West Coast, the times are three hours earlier.

Jorge: So in California they have to watch the 1 o’clock game at 10 o’clock in the morning.

Howard: Diehard (very enthusiastic and loyal) football fans will watch at any hour. Well, we’d better go to the store to get some snacks. We want to be ready to see the Cowboys and the Redskins fight it out.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 331 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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