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Вправа 22. Запам’ятайте подані слова та словосполучення:

to do shopping ходити за покупками

I would like to buy … Я б хотів купити …

Can you show me …? Чи не могли б ви мені показати …?

What do we need? Що нам потрібно?

How much does it cost? / Скільки це коштує?

How much is it?

What’s the price of …? Яка ціна …?

to be on sale бути у продажі

I shall take … Я беру (купую) …

I am looking for a grey suit. Я шукаю сірий костюм.

size 12 розмір 12

It is too small / big for me. Ця річ надто мала / велика для мене.

Do you want to try on …? Чи не хотіли б ви поміряти …?

The quality is excellent. Якість чудова.

It fits perfectly. Ця річ чудово пасує.

That’s too expensive. Це надто дорого.

Do you have a cheaper suit? Чи є у вас дешевший костюм?

Wrap, please. Загорніть, будь-ласка.

towear носити

to match пасувати

How much do I owe you? Скільки я вам винен?

change здача

Вправа 23. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог.

- Good morning! May I help you?

- Yes, I am looking for a grey suit, size 12.

- We have several suits of your size. Do you want to try on one of these? The quality is excellent.

- Yes. Oh, I like this one. How much is it?

- It’s 1750 hryvnas.

- That’s too expensive. Do you have a cheaper suit?

- Yes, this grey flannel is cheaper. It’s on sale today for 595 hryvnas. Do you want to try it on?

- It fits perfectly. I’ll take it.

Вправа 24. Поставте подані репліки в логічній послідовності.

I want a pair of brown gloves, size 6.

They are 100 hryvnas. They wear well.

What can I show you?

What’s the price of this pair?

Here’s a nice one. It’s the latest style.

I’ll take one pair. Can you show me a brown purse (гаманець) to match the gloves.

It’s 80 hryvnas.

How much does it cost?

Please, wrap the purse and gloves together.

I like it very much.

Вправа 25. Заповніть пропуски в діалозі репліками, поданими нижче.

- …! Сan I help you?

- Good morning! ….

- I am having a little trouble. I have neither eggs nor butter.

- OK. I’ll come tomorrow. Can you give me that ham? …?

- It’s 45 hryvnas.

- …. But all right. I’ll take it.

- …?

-Yes, two bottles of milk, please and a loaf of bread.

- Well, that’s all for today. …?

-That’s 50 hryvnas. ….

- Thank you.

- …, Mr. Black. Thanks a lot.

Good morning! Here is your change from the 100 hryvnas bill. How much do I owe you? Do you want anything more? I would like to buy a dozen of eggs and some butter. How much does it cost? That seems too expensive. Good-bye!

Вправа 26. Перекладіть діалог.

- Доброго ранку! Що б ви хотіли придбати?

- Я шукаю чорний костюм, розмір 10.

- У нас є кілька костюмів вашого розміру. Чи не хотіли б ви поміряти один із них?

- Так. Мені цей костюм дуже подобається. Скільки він коштує?

- 1275 гривень.

- Це трохи дорого. Чи немає у вас трохи дешевшого костюму?

- Є. Сьогодні у продажу є чорні костюми по 950 гривень. Поміряйте, будь-ласка.

- Цей костюм мені чудово пасує. Я його беру.


Вправа 27. Перекладіть подані речення на українську мову та визначте видо-часову форму дієслова у пасивному стані.

1. When an alarm is received, the firefighter adapts himself to the emergency situation. 2. The fire scene was not investigated by the officer-in-charge. 3. The type of fire will be identified when the fire scene is thoroughly investigated. 4. The occupants of this house were spoken to by the fire inspector. 5. The fire extinguishers were found inoperative and the fire hose was rotten (зіпсований). 6. This fire was caused by the cigarette carelessly thrown into the pile of trash (корзина зі сміттям). 7. Are flammable gases used as a fuel for special purposes? 8. The violation of fire safety rules was detected previously. 9. Fire causes are divided into two categories. 10. Whom will the initial investigation be done by?

Вправа 28. Зробіть подані речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань.

1. This information is recorded in proper form by the fire inspector. 2. Radioactive materials were located in this building. 3. This building was destroyed by the fraud fire. 4. This fire is much spoken about. 5. This fire scene will be thoroughly investigated. 6. The evidence of fire was recognized by the firefighter. 7. The probable cause of fire will be determined. 8. The insurance investigator was involved into the fire investigation. 9. The fire is usually caused by the violation of fire safety rules. 10. The evidence was concealed by the arsonist.

Вправа 29. Поставте дієслово в дужках у потрібну форму, звертаючи увагу на стан дієслова.

1. Information obtained from a thorough investigation (to record) properly. 2. The determination of the fire cause (to be) usually a department task. 3. A fire of a suspicious nature (to reveal) by the initial investigation. 4. The state fire marshal (to involve) into this investigation yesterday. 5. The correct cause of fire (not to determine) by the insurance investigator. 6. Firefighting and investigation (to require) specialized knowledge of how fires (to start). 7. The firefighter usually (to help) the investigator by his observations. 8. The weather conditions must (to note) by the firefighter on the way to the fire. 9. Much information (to give) to the investigator by the firefighter. 10. (To see) a familiar face at the fire?

Вправа 30. Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова із дужок.

1. The origin of fire (determines, was determined) by the investigator. 2. Fire causes generally (fall, are fallen) into two categories: accidental or a deliberately set fires. 3. The investigation already (leads, have led) to the conclusion of an accidental fire. 4. Regardless (незалежно від того) of who (does, is done) the investigation, the firefighter (was played, plays) a vital part. 5. A good investigator (will seek, is sought) information from the firefighter. 6. This man (will rescue, was rescued) by the firefighter. 7. At the fire scene safety measures (must be taken, took) by the firefighters to protect themselves and others. 8. The arsonist (has already concealed, was concealed) the proofs of fire. 9. The fire scene (was investigated, investigated) by the officer-in-charge. 10. Thorough investigation (often prevents, is often prevented) the reoccurrence of future fires.

Вправа 31. Поставте питання до виділених слів.

1. A deliberately set fire was identified by the officer-in-charge. 2. Police department will be involved into the investigation of the concealing another crime fire. 3. A fire investigation requires much information. 4. The firefighter preserved the evidence of the revenge fire. 5. This person was noticed at other fires. 6. The building was destroyed by the fire. 7. The officer-in-charge noticed that fire alarm systems were disconnected. 8. Building entrance is blocked with furniture in order to impede the work of the firefighter. 9.This inspection will be done by the firefighting personnel. 10. The fire investigator has just arrived at the fire scene.

Вправа 32. Трансформуйте подані речення

a) із активного стану в пасивний:

1. The firefighter determines the correct cause of fire. 2. The investigator obtains information from a thorough investigation. 3. The insurance investigator recorded the information. 4. The state fire marshal identified the type of the fire. 5. The initial investigation revealed a fire of a suspicious nature. 6. The officer-in-charge will do the important initial investigation. 7. Did the violation of fire safety rules cause the fire? 8. They sent for insurance investigator. 9. A good investigator must seek information from the firefighter. 10. The firefighter can supply all the necessary information about the cause of fire.

б) із пасивного стану в активний:

1. The origin of fire was determined by the fire investigator. 2. The evidences of fire were concealed by the arsonist. 3. This building will be inspected by the fire investigator. 4. Many victims were found in this building by the firefighters. 5. The victims of the train crash are examined by the doctors. 6. Protective breathing apparatus must be used at the fire by the firefighters. 7. This building was destroyed by fire. 8. Fire ladders are used by firefighters in order to reach trapped victims. 9. All occupants of the burning building must be evacuated by the rescuers. 10. The initial investigation is done by the officer-in-charge.

Вправа 33. Перекладіть подані речення та поясніть функції дієслів to be та to have.

1.Oxides of nitrogen are very poisonous fire gases. 2. The rescuers are transporting the victims of the train crash now. 3. The fire investigator has already determined the cause of this fire. 4. This fire ladder has specific functions. 5. The firefighter is climbing up the ladder now to rescue victims trapped in a burning building. 6. This protective breathing equipment was used by the firefighter at the fire scene. 7. Ladders, hoses and nozzles are inspected at regular intervals. 8. This victim had serious injuries. 9. These houses were destroyed by the fraud fire. 10. The rescuers have just arrived at the accident scene.

Вправа 34. Виправте помилки у поданих реченнях. Поясніть.

1. Fire investigators are analyzed and reported on the information gathered. 2. Natural disasters occurs when forces of nature damage the environment. 3. The institute reorganized into the Academy of Fire Safety. 4. The officer-in-charge inspects the fire exits now. 5. Have you notice the familiar face at the fire? 6. The firefighter must to wear (носити) special uniform. 7. The firefighter have good knowledge for doing effective inspection work. 8. Yesterday this firefighter is arriving first at the fire scene. 9. This building are inspected tomorrow. 10. By the officer-in-charge was informed each occupant of the purpose of fire prevention inspection.

Вправа 35. Поставте подані речення у всі можливі часові форми.

1. The firefighter (to observe) the behavior of the witnesses. 2. Building entrance (to be blocked) with furniture. 3. Proper ventilation (to reduce) smoke and heat damage. 4. Heat and water (to influence) the radioactive material. 5. The firefighter (to represent) his fire department. 6. The firefighter (to explain) to the householder the purpose of his inspection. 7. The building (to be checked) both inside and outside. 8. Flammable liquids (to be stored) in a safety type can. 9. The police officer (to do) a thorough investigation. 10. Press (to inform) the public of the type of hazards causing fires.

Вправа 36. Прочитайте та перекладіть поданий текст, вибравши потрібну форму дієслова із дужок:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 257 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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