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Вправа 22. Запам’ятайте подані слова та словосполучення:

waiter / waitress офіціант / офіціантка

to bring the menu принести меню

to order breakfast / lunch / замовити сніданок / ланч /

dinner / supper обід / вечерю

to prefer meat / fish віддавати перевагу м’ясу / рибі

the main course головна страва

cucumber salad салат з огірків

for dessert на десерт

veal cutlet котлета із телятини

speciality of the house фірмова страва ресторану

boiled / fried potatoes варена / смажена картопля

a bottle of wine / champagne пляшка вина / шампанського

Tastes differ. Про смаки не сперечаються.

May I help you? Слухаю Вас.

Вправа 23. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог.

Tim: Waiter! Waiter! Bring us the menu, will you?

Waiter: Yes, of course. Here you are.

Tim: Would you like anything to start with, Sheila?

Sheila: Yes, I’d like to try the cucumber salad.

Tim: So would I. What about the main course?

Sheila: I can’t decide between the veal cutlet and the chicken.

Tim: Let’s take the veal cutlet. It’s the speciality of the house. What would you like with the veal?

Sheila: I would like some rice.

Tim: And I prefer boiled potatoes. Do you want some fruit?

Sheila: I’d like an orange.

Waiter: Can I take an order now?

Tim: We want dinner for two. Bring us two veal cutlets with rice and boiled potatoes, two cucumber salads and a couple of oranges.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Tim: A bottle of white wine.

Waiter: Would you like anything else?

Tim: No, that’ll be all right. Thanks.

Sheila: Thank you.

Вправа 24. Поставте подані репліки в логічній послідовності.

I’ll order a bottle of wine if you don’t mind (якщо Ви не проти).

Here it is.

Thanks. What shall we order?

Let’s sit near the window.

I don’t like fish. I prefer hamburgers. That is the speciality of the house.

I’d like to eat fried fish and boiled potatoes, cucumber and tomato salad, a cup of coffee and a cake.

Tastes differ. I always prefer fish to meat. What shall we drink?

I don’t mind. We’ll see everybody from this place.

That will be great!

Give me the menu, please.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 202 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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