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The order of words in which the predicate is placed before the subject is called inversion.

Inversion is full when the whole predicate is placed before the subject or partial when only the auxiliary or modal verb precedes the subject.

Full inversion is used in sentence with the introductory there.

Full inversion occurs in declarative sentences beginning with adverbial modifiers of place if the subject of the sentence is a noun and the predicate is an intransitive verb.

Full inversion takes place when the sentence begins with the words here, there, now, then if the subject is a noun.

Full inversion is used when the words up, off, out, down, open the sentence but only when the subject is a noun.

Full inversion is found with the verb to say, to answer, to reply, used after direct speech if the subject is a noun and the verb has no object.

Partial inversion takes place in sentences beginning with such words as never, seldom, rarely, little, in vain, hardly, scarcely, not only, nor, neither, no sooner than, nowhere, never (before), not (even) once, on no account, only by, only in this way, only then, hardly (ever)…when, no sooner …than, not until/till, in no way, in/under no circumstances, not since.

Seldom do we go out since the baby was born.

Never (before) have I seen such a beautiful woman.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 582 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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