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Reference words

Words and sentences are related to each other. Sometimes we find it confusing to follow a text because we don’t know whom or what the writer is talking about. This may be because he/she (the writer) has used reference words.

What are reference words? These are words we use instead of the names of people, things, or ideas already mentioned in the text.

Which words can be used as reference words?

1. All the pronouns: he, she, it, they, him, our, its, etc.

2. this – that, these – those

3. here-there, now-then one – ones

4. such – so

5. the former – the latter

In most of the cases (but not in all of them), you will have to go BACK in the text.


  1. Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He went to school for only three

months but his mother taught him at home.

All 3 reference words here refer to Thomas Edison.

  1. The Bedouins usually live in tents. These are a good protection from the sun.

“These” refers to “tents”.

  1. Which course should I take? Don’t take the one given in the evening.

The word “one” refers to “course”.

  1. Smoking is dangerous. Everyone knows that.

“That” refers to the fact that “smoking is dangerous.

  1. Children’s specific needs may change with age and circumstances but such changes are not important compared to their basic and invariable need for love and affection.

“Such changes” refers to changes in specific needs that depend on age and circumstances. “their” refers to “children”.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 439 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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