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Unit 1 society interaction social structure culture sociology emergent social reality anomie functional and structual analysis manifest functions latent functions conflict theory symbolic interactionism ethnomethodology social sciences mechanical solidarity organic solidarity Unit 2 scientific method science causal relationship variable independent variable dependent variable correlation hypothesis population sample simple random sample stratified sample concepts theory survey extrapolate interview case history replication participant observation experiment content analysis
Unit 3 bureaucracy ideal-type universalistic standards particularistic standards displacement of goals coercive power remunerative power normative power total institutions substantial rationality functional rationality Unit 4 сommodity social identity social identity dual labor market dead-end jobs "pink collar" occupations upward mobility social ladder enhance stratification
Unit 5 free time work leisure pre-indusrtial society industrial society post-industrial society alienation affluent worker extension opposition neutrality conspicuous leisure Unit 6 social change social conflecit industrialisation culture diffusion material culture adaptive culture culture lag cohort vested interest revolution relative derpivation
Unit 7 education cultural transmission seceltion and screening hidden curriculum instrumentalism equality of opportunity equality of achievement functional illiteracy open classroom Unit 8 the economy custom economy command economy laissez-faire economy free market the invisible hand productivity Gross National Product (GNP) capitalism returns to scale oligopolies
Unit 9 health medicine mortality rate medical model social model sick role medicalize social health movement Unit 10 protestant ethic structural unemployment world-system theory socialism mixed economy
Unit 11 prohibition incest taboo biological paternity legitimacy sullen indifference self-sufficient unit social welfare polygyny polyandry reciprocity Unit 12 sex-role stereotypes advocate breadwinner widow women’s movement the Great Depression lobbying group alleviate pre-kindergarten school child-care agency
Unit 13 proponent social behaviour delinquency personality disorder reinforcement denounce deviant manner inner containment social anxiety inclination  

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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