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Fishing vessels

Stern fishing vessels are being built all over the world ranging in size from small inshore fishing craft to large freezer-factory ships.

The design of the modern vessel incorporates a high soft nosed stem, well-flared bows, streamlined bridge and superst­ructure, a gantry and transom Stern.

The working deck of large stern trawler has an area which is clear of all deck fittigs, so that the trawl may be spread out.

It is essential to have a clear view of the working deck from the bridge.

When the rope fastening the cod-end is untied by the bos'n, the gleaming catch spills on to the deck.

The deckhands gut the fish which are washed in a special machine. It is the boson’s duty to see that all fish are clear of blood and slime before they are stacked in the fish room.

The fish room occupies all the space between the for castle and the bridge.

After the fi3h are gutted, the livers are collected and processed for oil.

A variety of vessels fish near and middle-waters.

Fishing through the night only a few miles from shore, the smaller boats return to catch the early market.

Living conditions on the smaller craft are inevitably, more cramped than on the deep-sea trawlers and there is little rest for the men once at sea. They are fully busy with pre­paring nets, fishing and stowing the catch.


1. well - flaredbow - носовые обводы с большим разваломбортов

2. streamlined- обтекаемый

3. gantry - портал

4. deckfittings- палубные дельныевещи


1. What types of fishing vessels do you know?

2. What does the design of the modern fishing vessel incorporate?

3. What are the boatswain's duties?

4. What do the deckhands do?

5. What are living conditions on fishing vessels?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 600 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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