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Telephone calls

· (Mr. Brown, speaking into telephone) I’d like to speak to Mr. Frank Smith. Is he there?

· I’m afraid you have the wrong number. What number were you calling?

· I was calling Murray Hill 7-2992.

· This is Murray Hill 7-2992. But there is no one by the name of Smith here. This is a private residence.

· I must have made a mistake. I’m sorry to have bothered you.

· That’s quite all right.

(Both parties hang up. Mr. Brown dials number 411 and gets “Information” Operator answers.

· This is information. May I help you?

· I am trying to locate a Mr. Frank Smith, who has offices at 2 West 45th Street. The company has moved there only recently and the number is not yet in the telephone book.

· I’ll look it up for you. (After a moment) I have a F. smith and Company, Exporters, at 2 West 45th Street. Would that be your party?

· Yes, that’s the name of the company. What is the number?

· Will you write the number down, please? It is Murray Hill 7-2991.

(Mr. Brown dials number, phone rings in the office of Mr. Frank Smith. Secretary answers)

· Hello! Mr. Frank Smith and Company Exporters.

· May I speak to Mr. Smith?

· Mr. Smith is not right now. Who is calling, please?

· This is Mr. Brown of Chicago calling. Can you tell me what time Mr. Smith will be back? We are clients of his; that is, he acts as agent for our company in the export of some of our products. I am in New York at present and thought I would like to say hell to him.

· Of course, Mr. Brown. We know your company very well. Mr. Smith is out to lunch right now but I expect him back very shortly.

· At what time would you suggest that I call him again?

· He generally gets back to the office about two o’clock. However, occasionally he has some business to attend to outside, and then doesn’t get back until much later. Maybe it would be better, Mr. Brown, if I have him call you.

· I am calling from a pay station now, but I expect to be in my hotel room almost all afternoon. He can telephone me there.

· What is the telephone number there?

· I’m at the Hotel Claridge on 44th Street. I don’t know the number offhand, but you can look it up easily. Tell Mr. Smith, if I happen to have stepped out for a moment, to leave a message and I’ll call him right back.

· Fine! I’ll have Mr. Smith get in touch with you as soon as he comes back to the office. Good-bye Mr. Brown.

1. What different persons take part in the above dialogue?

2. Why does Mr. Brown first get a wrong number?

3. If you answer your telephone and the person calling has a wrong number, how do you answer him?

4. If you yourself are calling and get a wrong number, what do you say?

5. What special telephone operator do you call if you are unable to find a number in the telephone book?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 390 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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