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In a circuit with variable voltage, in which there is the conductor with a large resistance, and the inductance and capacitance are absent or very small, the electric energy which supplies from the generator is used for the release of Joule heat or is converted into mechanical energy. This resistance is called active. Oscillation in the current and voltage are at the same phase in the circuit with active resistance.
In a circuit with a coil which has an inductance, the amplitude of the current depends on the inductance and the frequency of the current. This circuit has an additional resistance, which is called inductive.
The current in the circuit with an inductive resistance lags from the voltage in phase.
The capacitor in the AC circuit does not break the circuit, as in DC circuit, but it creates some resistance to the current. This resistance is called capacitive. The current in the circuit with the capacitor aheads the voltage in the phase. Inductive and capacitive resistance are called reactive.
If active, inductive and capacitive resistance are connected in series it is called full circuit. And in the case of parallel connection we calculate full conductivity of the scheme. To determine full resistance in this case it is necessary to perform an action,
Y= 1/z, where
Y - full conductivity
Z – full resistance
Вправа 4. Утворіть прикметники від поданих дієслів, додаючи суфікс - able та перекладіть їх.
To accept, to rely, to measure, to reason, to operate, to apply, to move, to suit, to appreciate, to consider, to notice, to allow, to obtain, to attain, to vary.
Вправа 5. Згадайте антоніми наступних слів.
Upward, internal, outside, slow, open, to move, the same, to increase, like, right.
Вправа 6. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст
Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!