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Unit Name | Unit Symbol | Quantity |
Volt | V | Voltage(V, E) Electromotive force (E) Potential difference (Δφ) |
Volt. The correlation of electrons and protons determines electrical state or the potential of an atom. Potential difference or pressure is measured in volts. Volt is the pressure which being applied across the ends of a conductor of 1ohm resistance causes a current of 1 ampere to flow.
It is the potential difference or pressure that forces electricity to flow through a wire in a circuit.
The term voltage is used as well as pressure. Voltage is the electromotive force of a supply of electricity in volts.
Unit Name | Unit Symbol | Quantity |
Ohm | Ω | Resistance (R) |
Ohm. Electricity flowing through a conductor meets the oppression the same as water in a pipe. This opposition to the electrons movement is directly proportional to the length of the conductor inversely proportional to its cross – selection and depends upon the material and temperature of a conductor.
The specific resistance of a conductor is a resistance of a conductor of 1 ohm and of 1 mm cross – section.
The resistance is measured in ohms which is equal to the resistance offered to a unvarying electric current by a mercury column at 0°C, 14,4521 gm in mass: of uniform cross – sectional area and of length 103,3 cm.
Kilo-ohm is equal to 1000 ohms.
Unit Name | Unit Symbol | Quantity |
Ampere(amp) | A | Electric current (I) |
Ampere. The unit of the flow of electric current is called the ampere. It is the amount of electricity flowing in a conductor with the resistance of 1 ohm and with pressure of 1 volt per second.
When 63 1017electrons pass a given point in 1 sec they continue a current of 1 amp. The letter “I” is used as the letter symbol for electric current.
Unit Name | Unit Symbol | Quantity |
Watt | W | Electric power (P) |
Watt. The watt is unit of measure of the amount of work done by electrical energy when there is a flow of 1 ampere current at a pressure of 1 volt. Multiplying together the number of volts and amperes used by an appliance will give the number of watts necessary to operate it.
The watt being too little unit. The kilowatt-hours is widely used as a unit of electrical rating.
Electrical energy is measured in kilo-watt hours. It is the use of 1000 w. of electricity for the period of 1 hour.
Ohm’s law. In all electric circuits there is a definite correlation between the pressure, the electrons motion or electric current and the resistance. This correlation was discovered about 1825 by Ohm. It states that the electric current flowing in a circuit varies directly with the electrical pressure and inversely with the opposition.
Вправа 6. Доведіть, що подані слова належать до однієї частини мови. До якої саме?
Organize, localize, modernize, mechanize, electrify, intensify, classify, demonstrate, vary, communicate, indicate, locate.
Вправа 7. До якої частини мови належать наведені нижче слова.
Progressive, active, productive, constructive, intensive, connective, electric, automatic.
Вправа 8. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.
1. Вольт – це потенційна різниця, або тиск, який примушує електричний струм проходити через провід в колі. 2. Опір руху електронів прямо пропорційний довжині провідника. 3. Ампер – це кількість електрики, що проходить в провіднику. 4. Ват – це одиниця виміру кількості роботи, зробленої електричною енергією. 5. Закон Ома був відкритий в 1825 році.
Вправа 9. Перекладіть слова та вирази українською мовою.
The correlation of electrons, the electric state, the potential of an atom, the conductor, the resistance, a circuit, a wire, directly proportional, inversely proportional, electric current, electrical energy.
Вправа 10. Дайте відповіді на питання.
1. What determines the electrical state or the potential of an atom?
2. What is potential difference or pressure measured in? 3. What is volt?
4. What is voltage? 5. What is the specific resistance of a conductor?
6. What is called the ampere? 7. What is the ampere? 8. What is watt? 9. What is electrical energy measured in? 10. What does Ohm’s law state?
Вправа 11. Прочитайте та перекладіть нову лексику.
Amber; substance; matter; to be composed of; nucleus; positively charged;
negatively charged; to revolve; electric current; insulator; alternating current.
Вправа 12. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст українською. Зверніть увагу на виділені слова.
Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 477 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!