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Task 1. True or false

1. As a hiring manager you should be wary of the over-certified.

2. You can easily find a very talented person who will accept a position, and associated pay scale, for which he or she is overqualified.

3. It's your job as a manager to hire individuals that fit in with the rest of the group.

4. References can give little information regarding your applicants.

5. When evaluating candidates, put personality first and technical expertise second.

6. The team chemistry of your IT group isn’t important.

7. Candidates bent on change from the moment they join your group will impede on your team chemistry.

Task 2. Match the words and expressions (a – f) with their definitions (1 - 6).

a) a diamond in the rough; b) grudge; c) red flag; d) team chemistry; e) to take liberties with something; f) to take something with a grain of salt;

1) to change something (especially a piece of writing) to suit your needs;

2) a strong mutual attraction, sympathy or interaction between people working together;

3) deep-seated animosity or ill-feeling about something or someone;

4) to accept a claim with a copious measure of skepticism, doubt or reservation;

5) a person who appears dubious at first but turns out to be exceptional;

6) something that demands attention, a warning signal;

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 471 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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