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Tasks to the text “Brands Up”

Task 1. Match the proper names and their descriptions.

Names Description
BMW tobacco giant
Coca-Cola professor of Marketing at Kingston University Business School
Colman's Norwegian ship builders
Crest sports brand
Guinness subsidiary of a tobacco giant
Jeeves of Belgravia the Prime Minister
Johnnie Walker spokesman for the Manchester United Independent Supporters Association
Kraft Jacobs Suchard market chain
Kvaerner condiment
Man U. marketing director for premium malt whiskies at United Distillers
Marmite Irish bars
McDonald's a German shoe company
Microsoft a product of the brewing industry in Burton on Trent
Morgan orange drink
Mr Minute  
Philip Morris  
Robert East  
Rolls Royce  
Sunny Delight  
Tony Blair  

Task 2. Complete these sentences.

1. A survey recently found that…

2. Invented in the 19th century, brands have long been …

3. The amount of reliance placed on a brand is quite high, but …

Task 3. This text is build as a chain of statements and arguments against these statements. Statements are given in the table. Read the text again and find arguments against these statements.

Statement Argument against
Brands deliver consistency  
You know where you are with a brand.  
Does it matter? Should we worry about who owns what? Information about the company gets in the way. It's not good for anyone.  

Task 4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. How can consumers find out who owns what?

2. Why is it not easy to unravel ownership?

3. What are the reasons why ownership matters?

4. What brands usually come out on top?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 358 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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