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1. Local governments are units of government found within a state. Their purpose is to serve the needs of local communities. Today, there are over 83,000 local governments in the United States.

2. Local governments are given their authority by the state.

3. Local governments take care of such everyday needs as road, water, sewage treatment, police, fire protection, and hospitals.

4. Size, location, climate, and natural resources determine some of the services local governments provide.

5. One function of county governments is to assist in such state-related activities as tax collection, welfare, and elections.

6. Counties are governed by citizens who are elected to a county board. The county board has both legislative and executive authority.

7. Urban areas are governed by municipalities. Because nearly three fourths of all Americans now live in urban areas, municipalities are the most essential units of American government. There are over 19,000 municipalities in America today.

8. Charters from the state determine how municipalities will be governed, what powers they will be given, and whether or not they will have home rule. According to its charter, a municipality may have a mayor-council, council-manager, or commission form of government.

9. New England towns are among the oldest local governments in the United States. Some still are governed by town meetings. A board of selectmen supervises town business between these meetings.

10. Although townships are decreasing in number, many still provide important local services. Townships usually are governed by a board of trustees or supervisors, who conduct daily business.

11. Special districts are local governments formed for a special purpose. Among these purposes are education, conservation, water and sewage treatment, and fire protection. Many districts are governed by elected or appointed board members.

TASK 6: Fill in the form on three levels of government with suitable expressions given in the box:

  Makes laws for the state; deals with other nations; provides roads, parks, hospitals, water; runs the Postal Service; governor; President; meets in the state capitol; meets in Washington D.C.; provides law enforcement, fire protection; helps fund public education; mayor; prints and coins money; runs the armed forces and provides national defense; meets at City Hall; makes laws for counties, cities and towns; issues drivers licenses
Federal Government State Government Local Government

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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