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County governments carry out a variety of services. One of the most important is to help the state carry out its duties. Most counties help collect state taxes and administer state welfare programs. Counties also handle important election duties for the state. County workers register voters, prepare ballots, and set up polling places on Election Day.

Along with such state-related duties, county governments provide citizens with a wide range of other services. Counties, for example, play an important part in law enforcement through the county sheriffs department. County leaders see that local health and safety regulations are carried out. Counties also may have their own court systems and run their own jails. In most states, county governments repair county roads, take care of parks and recreation centers, and oversee waste disposal. Some counties also supervise local education systems.

Another important service of county governments is record-keeping. Citizens look to the county for information concerning property ownership and voter registration, for example. Others turn to the county to find records of births, deaths, or marriages. In many areas, such records go back to the 1800's, and even to the 1700's.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 271 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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