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Services of local governments

You already know that local governments carry out a wide variety of services. Within the limits of state law, however, these services may vary from one area to another. This is because local governments reflect the customs, tradi­tions, goals, and values of the citizens they serve and the place in which they developed.

Other factors also affect the kinds of services provided by a local government. One such factor is population size. The city of Houston, Texas, for example, has a population of more than 2,900,000. The workings of local governments in Houston, serving nearly 3 million people, are much different from those of the small Connecticut town of Chester, with a population of 3,000.

Factors such as a community's location, climate, and natural resources also shape the workings of local governments. One service important to people living in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest, for example, is snow removal. Such a service is not as vital to people living in communities in the Southwest. More important to those from warm, dry climates is water conservation. For this reason, many southwestern cities have local governments known as water conservation districts. The aim of these governments is to conserve water and plan for its use.

Whether large or small, urban or rural, or found in the Snow Belt or the Sun Belt, local governments carry out certain basic services for most citizens. Local governments provide police services and fire protection. They help settle conflicts and decide neighborhood issues. They keep local records. They provide public education. They repair roads and direct traffic. Some offer public transportation. Local governments care for the environment and oversee certain utilities. They collect the garbage and provide water treatment and sewage disposal. They offer health and welfare services. And, many local governments run recreational facilities and cultural centers.

To carry out their duties, local govern­ments depend on thousands of citizens. In fact, more citizens take part in the work of local governments than in both the national and state governments combined.

Comprehension questions:

1. What are local governments?

2. What is the purpose of local governments?

3. Why are local governments so numerous?

4. Are the powers of local governments set by the state in which they are found or by the National Government?

5. What factors affect the kinds of services provided by a local government?

6. What basic services do local governments carry out?

TASK 1. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Организация местного самоуправления относится, согласно 10-й поправке к конституции США, к ведению штатов.

2. Местный орган власти является уполномоченным органом штата, осуществляющим функции, которые, переданы законодательным органам штата, на уровень местного управления.

3. Каждый штат формирует свою систему местного самоуправления.

4. На территории штатов имеются различные местные юрисдикции, которым власти штатов делегируют часть своих полномочий.


For many citizens, the largest unit of local government in which they live is a county. First brought to America by the English settlers, county governments are local units that serve as the main administrative centers for most states. In Louisiana, counties are called parishes. In Alaska, they are called boroughs. There are only two states, Connect­icut and Rhode Island, that do not have coun­ty governments.

The first American counties were formed to serve rural areas. During colonial times and the early years of the republic, people often lived miles away from their nearest neighbor. For this reason, the original boundaries of some counties were decided by the distance settlers had to travel to reach the county seat. This was the town where county business was conducted. Boundaries were created that allowed most residents traveling by horse and wagon to reach the county seat within a day or two.

The American population has changed quite a bit since these early years. So, too, have county governments. Counties today serve both rural and urban areas. In fact, some counties, like San Francisco County in California, are made up of one large city.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 321 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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