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Task 9. Using information from the text, mark the following as True or False

1. Software from an ASP must be installed locally on a user's computer. 2. You need a high bandwidth connection to use an ASP service. ASPs usually use their own storage space for customers. 3. Using an ASP gives you more flexibility. 4. An e-commerce business usually provides all of the required technology itself.


Vocabulary Bank. Interview. Former student

Read, write the translation and learn the basic vocabulary terms:

1) assignment

2) available

3) binary system

4) compatible personal computer

5) compiler

6) Computing Support

7) data communications

8) development

9) environment

10) foundation

11) full-time course

12) hand-out

13) HW Installation and Maintenance

14) LAN (local area network)

15) machine code

16) mainframe

17) motherboard

18) part-time course

19) qualifications

20) software development

21) suggestion

22) to free up

23) to maintain

24) to provide

25) to upgrade

26) to upload

27) to back up

28) to catch up

29) to involve

30) to keep up

31) to start up

32) tool

33) work experience

Paul is 24. He has a Higher National Certificate in Computing and a Higher National Diploma in Computing Support which he completed two years ago. He has been working for a company providing support services for the last eighteen months.


Task 1. Study this list of some of the subjects included in his Diploma course. In which of these subject areas would he study the topics which follow?

1) Computer Architecture

2) HW Installation & Maintenance

3) Info Tech Applications (1)

4) Info Tech Applications (2)

5) Multi-user Operating System

6) Network Technology

7) Software Development Life Cycle

8) Standalone Computer System Support

9) Software Development Procedural Lang.

10) Data Communications

11) Information Systems & Services

12) Systems Development

13) Communication

14) Project Management

15) Mathematics for Computing

a) LAN Topologies

b) PC Bus Architectures

c) Modems

d) How to connect printers

e) Unix Operating System

f) Pascal

g) Writing a program

h) Creating a database

i) Maintenance of desktops

j) Wordprocessing and other office applications

k) Binary system

l) Making presentations

Task 2. Listen to Part 1 of the recording to find the answers to these questions:

1. Which of the subject areas listed in Task 1 does Paul mention?

2. Which additional subjects does he mention?

3. Why did he choose to do his Diploma in support?

4. What practical work was included in the course?

5. Which subject did he particularly enjoy?

Task 3. Listen to Part 2 of the recording and answer these questions:

1. What suggestions does Paul have for improving the course? Note

a) his suggestions for improvement and b) the reasons he gives.

2. Which of the subjects he studied has he found useful in his work?

Note a) the subjects and b) examples in the work situation.

Task 4. Listen to Part 3 of the recording to answer these questions:

1. In which situations does Paul have to learn fast?

2. What sources does he use for help?

3. What advice did the college provide on sources of information?

4. What was the problem with the set book?

5. How does he feel about going back to college?

Task 5. Study this description of a student's first term. What questions might the interviewer have asked to obtain the information in italics?

In her first term Pauline studied 6 subjects. She had classes on four days' each week. On Monday morning she had IT and Information Systems. Tuesday was a free day for home study. On Wednesday she had Systems Analysis in Room 324. Now she studies Computer Architecture on Thursdays. Programming happens on Friday mornings. Communication takes place once a week on Friday afternoons. She likes Mr Blunt's classes most. She has a 15-minute coffee break each day and a lunch break from 12.00 to 1. 00.

Task 6. up- and -up verbs Complete each gap in these sentences with the appropriate form of the correct verb from this list:

back up keep up update

build up set up upgrade

catch up start up upload

free up

1. To avoid losing data, you should __________your files regularly.

2. You can ____________ your PC by adding a new motherboard.

3. Delete some files to ___________space on your hard disk.

4. Data is ___________from regional PCs to the company's mainframe each night.

5. The operating system boots when you _____________ your computer.

6. She's taking a course to ____________________ her knowledge of computing.

7. The computer checks the memory when it _________________.

8. He ________________ a website to advertise his travel company.

9. You can _________________ with developments by reading PC magazines.

10. If you miss a class, you can study the hand-outs to ___________________.

11. The image in a digital camera is _______________ from a red, green and blue image.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1768 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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