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Exercise 4. Answer the questions

1. If you built a house, where would you build it?

If I built a house, I’d build it in. _____________

2. If you wanted to give your money away, who would you give it to?


3. If you took a long holiday, where would you go?


4. If you wanted expensive clothes, where would you buy them?


5. If you wanted a car, what kind would you buy?


Exercise 5. Write a sentence with if for each situation.

1. We don’t see you very often because you live so far away.

If you didn’t live so far away, we’d see you more often. _____________

2. This book is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it.


3. We don’t go out very often – we can’t afford it.


4. I can’t meet you tomorrow – I have to work late.


5. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch outside.


6. I don’t want his advice, and that’s why I’m not going to ask for it.


7. He lives near his work, so he is never late.


8. His French is good, so he reads French books in the original.


9. They have a maid, so they can enjoy themselves.


10. She goes to bed early, so she always wakes up in time.


If I were you…

Exercise 6. What is your advice? What do you suggest?

1. IAN: I’m going to buy a new car.

(suggest a make or a model of car: Ford, Metro...

If I were you, I’d buy a _____________________

2. ROSE: I want to paint the living room. But what colour?

(suggest a colour)


3. TOM: I’m going on holiday.

(suggest a country)


4. KATE: I have a headache. What shall I do?

(suggest something to help)


5. PAT: I want to see a good film.

(suggest a film title)


6. ANGELA: I’m thirsty. What can I have for a drink?

(suggest something she can have)


Oral Activity

Exercise 7. How would your life be different?

How would your life be different if you ____________ (have) fifteen brothers and sisters?

“ if you ____________ (can) speak twelve languages?

“ if you ____________ (can) talk to animals?

“ if you ____________ (be) less than one metre tall?

“ if you ____________ (not need) to sleep?

“ if you ____________ (have) ten children?

“ if you ____________ (have) four arms?

“ if you ____________ (become) a leader of your country?

“ if you ____________ (be) colour-blind?

“ if you ____________ (can’t) eat anything except grass?

“ if you ____________ (lose) your memory completely?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1584 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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