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Part II

In August 1649 an army of 9,000 men in 100 ships sailed to Ireland. The regiments landed in Dublin and marched north. The Irish army could not stand against the well-trained and well-ar­med armies of the Commonwealth. One fort after another surrende­red and in two weeks Cromwell was master of the country north of Dublin. He took some regiments and marched south of Dublin. Thou­sands of Irishmen were killed, women and unarmed men among them. That was a great crime which still burns after more than three centuries in the history of England and of Ireland.

In three months towns in the east and south of Ireland fell down. Waterford, the last stronghold of Ireland, was still defending the country. It was winter already. The weather was cold and many soldiers in Cromwell’s army were ill. But he did not give his people a rest and prepared the army for the last storm. The town of Waterford was taken after a short battle.

Cromwell was nine months in Ireland and in that time took many strongholds and fought greater armies than the English army. Ireland was now invaded by England. Cromwell recognized the go­vernment in Ireland and left English generals to keep the country under control. He went to London where the Parliament and the pe­ople met him and celebrated the victories of England.

When the celebrations were over Cromwell began the prepa­rations for the war in Scotland. The Scottish generals did not expect Cromwell to begin war so soon after the battles in Ire­land. The English army marched far into the country and came to Edinburgh. The battles were very difficult but the victory over the enemy was great. Cromwell took 10,000 prisoners, arms and ar­tillery, great and small, 200 colours (banners).

When he was returning to London Cromwell was met by a de­putation from the Parliament near London. People greeted him in the streets of the capital, soldiers saluted him.

After the celebrations Cromwell began to work in the com­mittees of the Parliament on Trade, Foreign Affairs, Law and Ar­my. The people of England wanted peace and bread and the country needed order and organization.

In 1653 the Council of State1 asked Cromwell to be Lord Protector2 of the Commonwealth and rule over the country by the advice of the Council and a written Constitution. Cromwell agre­ed and for five years, till he died, headed the government of the Commonwealth. A constitution was written. It protected the rights of the landowners against the peasants. The members of Parlia­ment had long discussions. Cromwell did not like the discussions and dismissed the Parliament.

During the last years of his life he became a dictator who ruled over the country without the council of the people. The English Commonwealth, the first republic in Europe, did not jus­tify the hopes of the people.

In September 1658 Oliver Cromwell died at the age of fifty-nine and was buried in Westminster Abbey. There are many le­gends about Cromwell’s body. They say that when the Stuarts3 we­re restored after Cromwell’s death, his body was taken from West­minster Abbey and his head was set up over the gates of Westmins­ter Hall. Some legends say that his body was buried on the field of his victorious battle. Others say that his body was put into the Thames and later taken out of the river by his family and bu­ried in the walls of a castle. Today the English people do not know where the ruler of the Commonwealth is buried.


1. the Council of State – Государственный Совет;

2. Lord Protector – протектор (титул Оливера Кромвеля);

3. the Stuarts – Стюарты – королевская династия в Шотландии.

Answer the following questions:

1. When did the army of Oliver Cromwell sail to Ireland?

2. How did Oliver become master of the country north of Dublin?

3. What was the last stronghold of Ireland?

4. What was Oliver’s next victory?

5. When did the Council of State ask Cromwell to be Lord Protector of the Commonwealth?

6. Did the English Commonwealth justify the hopes of the people? Why?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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