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Text 18. NEW WORLD

The New World consisted of what are now the continents of North and South America. Most Europeans knew about it after Columbus had made his great voyage. Within a few years the more powerful nations of Europe were establishling colonies in the new land.

By the 1700s England had established thirteen colonies in the eastern part of what is now the Unite States. Most of the colonies were English or from other parts of British Isles, such as Scotland, Ireland and Wales. There were also, however, many Germans in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Dutch in New York.

Some of the early British colonists had come to the New World in hopes of enriching themselves, оthers came because Britain forced them to leave – they were troublemakers or people who could not pay their debts. Some came because of the opportunity, which did not exist for them in Europe, to own land or practise a trade. But there were other reasons, and those other reasons had great influence on the shaping of the political system of the United States.

Answer the following questions:

1. What was the territory of the New World?

2. When did most Europeans know about the New World?

3. By what time had England established thirteen colonies in the New World?

4. What places were most of the colonists from?

5. From what other countries did the colonists come to the territory which is now the United States?

6. Why did the colonists leave their native places and come to the New World?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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