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Text 11. The English bourgeois revolution


The struggle of Parliament against the king began in Eng­land in the 12th century. Each king wanted to rule over the coun­try without any parliament.

King Charles I was at war with Spain and France and wanted money for it. The Parliament refused to give money. King Charles I dismissed the Parliament (1629) and for eleven years ruled over the country without the council of the people.

The Parliament assembled again only in 1640 and opposed the king. The parties began to prepare for war. The king and his soldiers were in Oxford. The soldiers of the Parliament with Oli­ver Cromwell at the head were in London. In the Civil War which lasted for twelve years the Parliament won the victory.

King Charles I was executed as enemy of the country. The Commonwealth was proclaimed and Oliver Cromwell became the Pro­tector of the new republic. The end of the Commonwealth came af­ter Cromwell died (1658). English was at war with Spain at that time. The government was too weak and the new Parliament decided to have a king.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Charles I dismiss the Parliament?

2. When did the Parliament assemble again?

3. How did the war between the king and the Parliament end?

4. What was the fate of Charles I?

5. What was proclaimed in England?

6. Why did the Parliament decide to have a king later?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1113 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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