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Of all popular heroes of the English people, none has ever achieved an equal name and fame with Robin Hood. For more than six hundred years, peasantry have known songs and ballads of this famous outlaw. People have forgotten kings and princes, but not Robin Hood and his band of bold followers in merry Sherwood Forest.

We have no clear evidence of Robin Hood’s life history: all is in the mist of legend and ancient history. There are some people studying the old ballads and stories who say that Robin Hood was an actual leader in Sherwood Forest, a king of a greenwood, a true a living figure, and there are others who say that the doings of a famous band of outlaws have gathered about his name, and that no real Robin Hood existed.

But it is quite certain that within a hundred years or time of the famous outlaw's life his name was well known.

English literature is full of allusions to Robin Hood and his merrу men in Sherwood Forest.

Robin Hood was a Saxon who stood out against the Norman lords. He never plundered the poor men. He attacked and plundered the sheriff, barons, knights, abbots, priors - the men who stood for the Norman rule and its cruelty.

Sherwood Forest, haunt of Robin Hood and his merry men is a great attraction to visitors. Among the famous Sherwood trees there is the Major Oak, which is more than 1000 years old. The Greendale Oak is even older – about 1500 years old. There is also Robin Hood's Larder, the tree where he stored his food.

Answer the following questions:

1. Have you ever heard about Robin Hood?

2. Is Robin I Hood a real person?

3. When and where did he live?

4. What did Robin Hood stand out against?

5. Whom did Robin Hood and his merry men plunder?

6. Whom did they help?

7. Why do people remember Robin Hood though they forgot many kings and princes?

8. Why is Sherwood Forest a great attraction to visitors?

9. What are the trees in Sherwood Forest famous for?

10. How old is the oldest oak?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1252 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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