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CETC YLC-8/8A VHF Band Long Range 2D Surveillance Radar

The CETC YLC-8 and YLC-8A are clearly derivatives of the P-12/P-18 Spoon Rest family of radars, widely exported as part of S-75 Dvina / SA-2 Surface to Air Missile Batteries. Unlike the self propelled Soviet original, the YLC-8 is carried on a semi-trailer. Like the Spoon Rets, this design uses a horizontal boom to deploy sixteen Yagis, each with a reflector, dual folded dipole and five director elements.

Specifications (J.C. Wise)  
Coverage: (for Pd = 50%, RCS = 2m2)  
Range: ≥ 320km
Range (flat reflecting surface): ≥ 500km
Azimuth: 0º ~ 360º
Elevation: 0º ~ 18º
Height: ≥ 3,000m
Range: ≤ 200m
Azimuth: ≤ 1º
Range: ≤ 450m
Azimuth: ≤ 11º
Data processing capacity: 1,000 tracks / scan
Deployment time: ≤ 30 mins
Stow time: ≤ 30 mins
MTBCF: ≥ 800 hrs
MTTR: ≤ 25 mins

МОБИЛЬНАЯ ДВУХКООРДИНАТНАЯ РАДИОЛОКАЦИОННАЯ СТАНЦИЯМЕТРОВОГО ДИАПАЗОНА ВОЛН «ВОСТОК D/Е» Vostok D/E Mobile 2-Dimensional Metric Band Surveillance Radar     The KB Radar (Agat) Vostok D/E is an entirely new 2D VHF radar design, using a unique wideband "Kharchenko" square ring radiating element design, in a diamond lattice pattern (all images KB Radar).   Developed recently by Agat/KB Radar in Byelorussia, the Vostok is an intended replacement for the P-18 Spoon Rest series. It is a digital solid state design, operating in the VHF band. While detailed specifications have been disclosed, design details have not, especially in relation to the internal architecture of the design. The manufacturer claims a detection range of ~40 nautical miles against the F-117A Nighthawk, or other types with similar VHF band RCS, in a jammed environment, and 190 nautical miles in an unjammed environment, with an overall 30 to 40% improvement in range performance against the Spoon Rest D/E. Two demonstrators were built and displayed at the Milex 2007 industry expo in Minsk. A technical white paper and concurrent discussion paper reveal some interesting details, although not as much as has been disclosed on competing Russian designs like the Nebo SVU. The design uses a unique wideband "Kharchenko" square ring element radiator, arranged in a diamond lattice pattern, intended to improve frequency agility against earlier VHF designs. The boxes distributed through the framework of the active array antenna are transmit-receive modules for the radiating elements. The cited system MTBF is 1200 hours, exceptional for this class of radar. The hydraulically folded and elevated antenna is mechanically rated for 65 knot wind gusts, and both levelling of the platform and antenna deploy/stow operations are fully automated. Specific design aims in the Vostok E included overcoming common limitations in legacy VHF radars, in particular the poor sensitivity and clutter rejection performance, the high peak power which exposes the radar to ESM equipment, the long time to deploy and stow the antenna, and the poor fractional bandwidth which limited frequency agility. The radar has a centre frequency of 175 MHz, and is frequency agile across fifty discrete frequency channels in the radar passband, using either random frequency hopping, or an adaptive control law which avoids frequency channels occupied by jammers. Three channels are used for adaptive suppression of jammer signals. Low peak power is used to minimise detection range against hostile ESM. Coherent integration techniques are used, and all signal processing is digital. An adaptive processing technique is used for clutter rejection (whether this qualifies as STAP will depend on future disclosures). The Digital MTI processing is claimed to provide a dynamic range of 50 to 60 dB. The cited RMS ranging error is 25 metres, angle error 1.1°, and velocity error 1.8 m/s, bearing to a jammer can be measured with an error of ±1°. This performance is not as good as the AESA design in the Nebo SVU, and the Vostok E lacks a heightfinding capability. The fully automated digital data processing subsystem provides a range of automatic tracking modes, and is designed to interface to cable or RF datalink channels to other IADS elements. No less than 120 aerial targets can be tracked. A satellite navigation terminal is integrated to facilitate rapid operation starts, in a "shoot and scoot" environment. A digital map system is provided to facilitate operations, the design can display target parameters, and programmable engagement zones or other airspace boundaries. The radar is also equipped with a signal emulator which generates synthetic target tracks, and possibly jamming waveforms. Signal and data processing is performed in the radar van equipment. The time to deploy or stow the antenna is cited at less than 6 minutes, making this a genuine "shoot and scoot" design. The operator van is based on the same arrangement as the van for the truck mounted Ranzhir E variant or Polyana command posts, carried on a 6 x 6 MZKT 65273-020 series chassis. A production Vostok E will be a formidable 2D acquisition radar, by virtue of its modern RF design and high mobility. As a replacement for the legacy Spoon Rest, the Vostok is much more capable and mobile than the 1L13 Nebo SV / Box Spring used by Russian forces. We should not be surprised if a future Vostok AESA derivative emerges, as a competitor to the larger Nebo SVU. KBR reported the first export sale, to an undisclosed customer, early in 2009.   A Vostok E demonstrator deployed. The van houses the three operator stations and electronic hardware.     Operational deployment of a Vostok E at a prepared site.     Vostok E antenna system stowed (above), and unfolding for operation (below).      
Сопоставительные характеристики мобильной твёрдотельной цифровой РЛС метрового диапазона и устаревшей РЛС П-18
Comparative characteristics of digital mobile solid-meter range radar and outdated radar P-18
  РЛС / Radar
  П-18 / P-18 «Восток» / "Vostok"
Измеряемые координаты и параметры Measured coordinates and parameters Дальность Range Азимут Azimuth Дальность / Range Азимут / Azimuth Скорость / Speed
Число несущих частот The number of bearing frequencies      
Время перестройки несущей частоты Time adjustment carrier frequency 3...5 секунд 3... 5 seconds 3 мкс 3 microseconds  
Дальность обнаружения с вероятностью 0.9 при одной ложной тревоге за обзор в условиях воздействия АШП (эквивалентная спектральная плотность АШП на выходе антенны постановщика с учетом коэффициента усиления антенны 500 Вт/МГц, дальность до постановщика 500 км) на высоте 10000м: Detection range with a 0.9 probability of detection, with one false alarm under ECM conditions (ECM equivalent spectral density at emitter antenna 500 W / MHz at emitter range of 500 km) at an altitude of 10000 m: · стратегический бомбардировщик B-52 / strategic bomber B-52 · истребитель F-16 / F-16 fighter · самолёт-невидимка F-117A / F-117A stealth fighter 43 км / 43 km 23 км / 23 km 12 км / 12 km 255 км / 255 km 133 км / 133 km 72 км / 72 km  
Количество подавляемых помеховых направлений Number of rejected ECM sources Нет / No    
Коэффициент подавления АШП при отношении помеха/шум 25...40 дБ The ECM rejection at J/S of 25... 40 dB   23...35 дБ 23... 35 dB  
Коэффициент подавления отражений от местных предметов, не менее Clutter rejection, not less 20 дБ 20 dB 30...40 дБ 30... 40 dB  
Коэффициент подавления отражений от облаков дипольных отражателей Chaff cloud rejection 20 дБ 20 dB 25...30 дБ 25... 30 dB  
Зона работы устройства защиты от пассивных помех Chaff cloud rejection footprint 0...255 км 0... 255 km 0...360 км 0... 360 km  
Коэффициент подавления несинхронных помех Asynchronous interference rejection 10 дБ 10 dB 15...18 дБ 15... 18 dB  
Одновременное подавление несинхронных помех и отражений от местных предметов, не менее: The simultaneous clutter and asynchronous interference rejection, no less: отражений от местных предметов local clutter несинхронных помех asynchronous interference 10 дБ 10 dB 10 дБ 10 dB 25...30 дБ 25... 30 dB 15...18 дБ 15... 18 dB  
Разрешающая способность: Resolution: · по дальности / range · по азимуту (на средней несущей частоте) / azimuth (at average carrier frequency) · по радиальной скорости / in radial velocity 900 м 900 m 6,38 6.38 Отсутсвует Absent 150 м 150 m 5,5 5.5 10,6 м/с 10.6 m / s  
Дальность радиотехнической разведки РЛС системой РТР противника Range of hostile ESM Не менее 1000 км Not less than 1000 km Не более 203 км No more than 203 km  
Автоматическая обработка радиолокационной информации и формирование трасс целей Automatic processing of radar information and the track generation Отсутствует / Missing Обеспечивается / Provides  
Автоматическое сопровождение пеленгов постановщиков помех Automatic tracking of ECM emitters Отсутствует / Missing Обеспечивается / Provides  
Пропускная способность (количество обрабатываемых целей за период обзора 10 секунд) Track capacity (number of processed per scan, 10 seconds) До 10 (визуальный съем) Up to 10 (visual removal) Не менее 120 (автоматический съем) Not less than 120 (automatic removal)  
МОБИЛЬНАЯ ДВУХКООРДИНАТНАЯ РАДИОЛОКАЦИОННАЯ СТАНЦИЯМЕТРОВОГО ДИАПАЗОНА ВОЛН П-18-2 P-18-2/P-18M Spoon Rest D/E Mobile 2-Dimensional Metric Band Surveillance Radar P-18 Spoon Rest (Hungarian MoD) NNIIRT modernised P-18 Spoon Rest (NNIIRT) NITEL modernised P-18 Spoon Rest (NITEL). Slovakian Army P-18 (Images © Miroslav Gyűrösi). ПОДВИЖНАЯ ДВУХКООРДИНАТНАЯ РАДИОЛОКАЦИОННАЯ СТАНЦИЯМЕТРОВОГО ДИАПАЗОНА ВОЛН НИТЕЛ 5Н84АЭ «ОБОРОНА-14» (1РЛ113/44Ж6/5Н84) NITEL 5N84AE Oborona-14 / Tall King C Mobile 2-Dimensional VHF Band Surveillance Radar Stowed Configuration Image (1) Here.(Images via http://forum.valka.cz/)   L-Band / UHF Band Radars РАДИОЛОКАЦИОННАЯ СТАНЦИЯ 51У6/39Н6Э «КАСТА-2Е1» / «КАСТА-2Е2» / П-15 / П-15M / П-19 51U6/39N6E Kasta 2E1/2E2 / P-15 / P-15M / P-19 Flat Face E / Squat Eye E Surveillance Radar Kasta 2E1 Flat Face E UHF Band Acquisition Radar. The Kasta 2E1 and 2E2 are the latest incarnations of the well established Flat Face and Squat Eye family of semimobile UHF band tactical acquisition radars. The initial P-15 Flat Face A introduced the now characteristic double stacked array of elliptical paraboloid section antennas. This radar was widely exported by the Soviets to Warsaw Pact nations and Soviet Third World allies and clients. The radar has been used to support interceptors, as well as SA-3, SA-4, SA-6 and SA-8 missile batteries as an acquisition radar. The P-15M Squat Eye is a derivative of the baseline design with a single antenna on a tethered latticework mast. It was employed to improve low altitude coverage, but also to permit use of the radar in heavily forested terrain where the height of the foliage canopy exceeded the height of the antenna phase centre in the P-15. The P-19 Flat Face B is the improved follow-on to the P-15 with a range of improvements. Since the 1990s a number of manufacturers are now offering comprehensive digital upgrades for the P-15 and P-19 inventory. Kasta 2E1 and 2E2 are heavily redesigned derivatives using a new KAMAZ 6 x 6 chassis and mostly digital hardware. The redesign of the Squat Eye antenna is the most visually prominent change with the increased aperture improving range performance. Due to their low power-aperture ratings this family of radars is generally not regarded to be particularly effective against LO and VLO aircraft. Kasta 2E2 Squat Eye E deployed. P-15 Flat Face A Stowed Configuration Images (1) and (2) Here. P-19 Flat Face B. Радиолокационная станция 22ж6 «Десна-М» 22Zh6 Desna M Surveillance Radar The VNIIRT Desna M series of surveillance radars are intended to be kept in use until 2025 with upgrades. The design is semi-mobile with a similar configuration to the Bar Lock series. There are no reports of significant exports of this radar.
Диапазон волн Operating Band дециметровый UHF
Дальность обнаружения цели (типа "истребитель") (на высоте 10000 м), км Range for "fighter RCS target" at 10,000 m, in km    
Верхняя граница обнаружения цепи (типа "истребитель"), км    
Темп обзора, об./мин. Scan Rate, RPM    
Точность измерения координат целей (СКО, на высоте 10000 м): Accuracy of target tracking at 10,000 m Alt.    
по дальности, м in range (m)    
по высоте, м in altitude (m)    
по азимуту, мин. in azimuth (minutes of arc)    
Коэффициент подавления отражений от местных предметов, дБ Clutter rejection in dB не менее 30  
Время развертывания (свертывания), ч Stow/deploy time in hr не более 10  
Потребляемая мощность, кВт Power consumption kW    
Обслуживающий персонал, чел. Crew complement    

Автоматизированный радиолокационный комплекс 29H6 «Дельта»

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