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CETC JY-27 VHF Band Long Range Surveillance Radar

The CETC JY-27 is a recent Chinese design which is clearly influenced by the 1L13 Nebo SV / Box Spring and 1L119 Nebo SVU. Yet to be validated open source specifications are:

Detection range (Pd = 0.8, Pf = 0.000001, σ = 1.5 m²) [NMI] 240.0 - 390.0
Frequency Band VHF
Array Geometry 16 x 6 = 96 elements H-pol
Bandwidth Δ f 15% of carrier frequency
Detection accuracy - Range ±150m
Detection accuracy - Azimuth ±1º
Mainlobe width
MTI Clutter rejection [dB] 35.0
MTBF [hr] MTTR [hr] >250.0 0.5
Power Consumption [kW] <50.0

The radar is claimed to provide pseudorandom frequency hopping, and ECCM capabilities. The absence of elevation error specs suggests the radar lacks a height finding capability. All images to date show a towed installation. The very sparse brochure claims the radar is 'fully solid state' but no further details have been disclosed.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2369 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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