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The British Parliament

The activities of the Parliament in Britain are the same as those of the Parliament in any Western European country. It makes new laws, examines government policy and discusses important political issues. The British Parliament works in a large building called the Palace of Westminster (known as the House of Parliament). This contains offices, committee rooms, bars, libraries and even some places of residence. It also contains two larger rooms. One of these is where the House of Lords meets; the other is where the House of Commons meets. The British Parliament is divided into two houses, and its members belong to one of them, although only members of the Commons are normally known as MPs (Members of Parliament).

The Common is more important of the houses, because the real power of the Parliament lies in it. Its 659 members represent 529 constituencies in England, 40 – in Wales, 72 – in Scotland and 18 – in Northern Ireland. The usual procedure in the Commons is a debate on a bill, followed by a resolution which approves or rejects this bill. Most bills begin life in the House of Commons, where they go through a number of stages.

The British parliamentary system has a hereditary element. Members of the House of Lords (known as “peers”) are not elected. They are members of it as they hold an aristocratic title. The House of Lords has little real power. All bills must have the agreement of the Lords before they can become law. But the power of the Lords to reject a bill is not limited.

After both houses agree, the bill will receive the Royal Assent and become an Act of the Parliament and part of the law. [7]

3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

принимать новые законы; политические вопросы; место проживания; реальная власть; отклонять законопроект; получать королевскую санкцию; избирательный округ; обычная процедура; аристократический титул.

4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What are the functions of the British Parliament?

2. How is the building of the Parliament called?

3. What rooms does it contain?

4. How many houses does the Parliament consist of?

5. What are they?

6. Who is normally known as MP?

7. Which of the houses is more important? Why?

8. How many members are there in the House of Commons?

9. What is a usual procedure in the Commons?

10. Why are the members of the House of Lords not elected?

11. When will the bill receive the Royal Assent?

5. Составьте все типы вопросов к подчёркнутому в тексте предложению.

Text 3. The British Government

“Her Majesty’s Government” rules in the name of the Queen. Its official residence is at № 10, Downing Street, which is close to the Parliament. The cabinet meets and works here. After a general election the Queen invites the leader of the majority party to form a government. Government ministers are usually members of the House of Commons. All of them, even the Prime Minister, represent constituencies which elected them.

So Britain, unlike the most Western European countries, normally has “one-party government”. In other words, all members of the government belong to the same political party. Most governments consist of about 100 ministers, but the Cabinet itself has only 20 or so most important ministers invited by the Prime Minister. Heads of government departments have the title “Secretary of State”, for example, “Secretary of State for Environment”. The minister of Britain’s relations with the world is the Foreign Secretary. The minister of law and order in the country is the Home Secretary. Another important person is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is the head of the Treasury, a sort of Minister of Finance. Other secretaries are Secretary for Scotland, the Defence Secretary, and the Lord Chancellor.

Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Government represent the executive power. They are responsible for executing the laws and making decisions about important business policy. [7]

1.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Приглашает лидерa, исполнение законов, министр обороны, представляют округа, государственный секретарь, принятие решений, глава казначейства.

2.Выразите согласие или несогласие с данными утверждениями:

1. The Cabinet of Ministers works in the House of the Parliament.

2. The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party.

3. Government ministers are members of the House of Lords.

4. All members of the government belong to different political parties.

5. The Cabinet has about 20 ministers invited by the Prime Minister.

6. The minister of Law and Order in the country is the Foreign Secretary.

7. The minister of Finance is called the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

8. The Cabinet of Ministers makes new laws.

Text 4. Customs and Traditions in England

1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, верны эти утверждения или нет?

1. The English are generally disciplined. 2. The English shake hands when meeting one another. 3. The British love their homes. 4. The fireplace is the centre of the English Home. 5. They don’t love gardening. 6. The English people believe that they are the only nation on the earth that is really kind to its animals. 7. Every Englishman is fond of the countryside in a nice cottage with roses in the garden, the fresh air and bright sun. 8. The English don’t like to drink tea. 9. The midday meal is called supper. 10. 5 o'clock tea became a kind ritual.

The English are naturally polite and are never tired of saying “Thank you” and “I am sorry”. They are generally disciplined; you never hear loud talk in the street. They don't rush for seats in buses and trains, but they take their seats in queues (очереди) at bus stops. English people do not shake hands when meeting one another; they do not show their emotions even in tragic situations. They seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.

The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. There is no place like home. The Englishman says “My house is my castle” because he doesn't wish his doings to be overlooked by his neighbours. It is true that English people prefer small houses, built for one family. The fire is the focus of the English Home. Other nations go out to cafes or cocktail bars. The fireplace is the natural centre of interest in the room. They like to sit round the fire and to watch the dancing flames, exchanging the day's experience. In many houses you will still see fireplaces, sometimes with columns on each side and a shelf above it on which there is often a clock, or a mirror, or photos.

The love of gardens is deep-rooted in the British people. Most men's conversations are about gardens. It may be a discussion of the best methods of growing cucumbers, a talk about the plot (участок) which differs from all the others. The British like growing plants in a window-box outside the kitchen or in the garden near the house. They love flowers very much.

Britain is a nation of animal lovers. They have about five million dogs, almost as many cats, 3 million parrots and other cage birds, aquarium fish - and 1 million exotic pets such as reptiles. In Britain they have special dog shops selling food, clothes, and other things for dogs. There are dog hair-dressing saloons and dog cemeteries. In Britain pets can send Christmas cards and birthday cards to their friends. Owners can buy for their pets jewelled nylon collars, lambs wool coat for a dog, lace-trimmed panties, nightgowns, pyjamas, and so on. There are special animal hotels at the airports. The English people believe that they are the only nation on the earth that is really kind to its animals.

How do they spend their week-ends? Those who live in cities and towns like to go out of town. They may go to stay in the country. Every Englishman is fond of the countryside in a nice thatched cottage with roses round the porch (крыльцо, веранда) and in the garden, the fresh air, and bright sun. No crowds of people, silence and leisure (отдых). Those who stay at home try to do all the jobs; they were too busy to do something during the week. Some go shopping on Saturday mornings, some do the house-washing, cleaning. Some men do and watch sporting events. Saturday evening is the best time for parties, dances, going to the cinema or to the theatre. On Sunday after breakfast they can work in the garden, take a dog for a walk, and visit a pub. Sunday is a day for inviting friends and relatives to afternoon tea.

There are some traditions concerning food. English cooking is heavy, substantial and plain (плотная и простая). The Englishman likes a good breakfast. A good breakfast means porridge with fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. Tea is a part of British life. Seven cups of it wake you up in the morning; 9 cups will put you to sleep at night. The midday meal is called lunch. This meal consists on week-days of stew, fried fish, chips, liver or sausages, vegetables. Rice and macaroni are seldom served. Then an apple tart (пирог) or hot milk pudding goes. Sunday dinner is a special occasion; it is a joint (рагу) of beef or lamb with vegetables. Then a large heavy pudding with custard (заварной крем) goes. From 4 to 6 there is a very light meal called 5 o'clock tea. It is a snack of thin bread and butter, and cups of tea with small cakes. This became a kind ritual. At this time everything stops for tea. Dinner (usually at 6 p.m.) is much like lunch, and is in many families the last meal of the day. Supper is a snack of bread and cheese, and cocoa. The English have a popular speciality known as fish and chips. They are bought at special fish and chips shops.

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