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1. Наявність пор на поверхні можна визначити за допомогою візуального огляду.
2. Газові бульбашки можуть утворитися через низьку якість металу або через погану взаємодію між матеріалами, які зварюються.
3. Шлакові включення заміщують матеріал, який зварюється, неметалевими компонентами.
4. Ризик появи шлакових включень можна зменшити ретельно підготувавши поверхні, які зварюватимуться.
5. На те, щоб шлак піднявся на поверхню розплавленого металу, потрібен певний час.
6. Флюс має значний вплив на тип сторонніх речовин, які можуть утворитися в шві.
7. Наявність великої кількості рідкого флюсу надає змогу шлакові досягти поверхні перш, ніж шов за твердішає.
8. Найбільш розповсюдженими типами розтріскування є холодне та гаряче розтріскування.
9. Гаряче розтріскування може мати місце там, де форма деталей не дозволяє зоні зварювання стискатися під час охолодження.
10. Хромована сталь особливо чутлива до мікророзтріскування, але його можна уникнути попередньо розігрівши метал.
9. Rearrange these words to make sentences:
1) the this in cause gas material weld bubbles porosity trapped
2) the and the size number strength distribution weld determine directly,
3) the the the on of of top black slag fillet glass shards inclusions resemble
4) inclusions is likely most rapid solidification the to trap
5) a flux foreign form has in influence materials may of on significant that the the type weld
6) apart are being by caused cool-down cracking cracks during hot most pulled the weld weld with,
7) base common content cracking high hot in is is lead metal or phosphorus present sulfur the when,
8) are control cracking detailed eliminate hot in instructions methods or or procedures to usually work weld
9) after away can cold cracking cracking days even hot hours in metal occur occurs or right the unlike weld welding which,,,
10) a a adequate after be cold cracking detect directly inspection made may not part single to visual weld
10. Use your knowledge of welding and information from Unit 7 and Unit 8. Complete the test of geometry and quality of welds:
1. Which of the following is not considered a type of joint?
a) butt b) T c) fillet d) comer e) edge
2. The type of joint formed when the two pieces to be joined are aligned in parallel planes and their edges overlap is called:
a) comer b) T c) edge d) lap e) butt
3. That portion of the joint where the two pieces to be joined come closest together is referred to as the:
a) bevel b) joint root c) groove angle d) root face e) both b and d
4. In a single-V-groove weld, the sloped surfaces against which the weld metal is applied are called:
a) root face b) joint root c) groove face d) groove angle e) bevel angle
5. The type of weld produced by filling an elongated hole in an overlapping member, fusing it to the member beneath is called a:
a) plug weld b) spot weld c) seam weld d) slot weld e) none of the above
6. The type of weld having a generally triangular cross section and which is applied to either a T-, comer, or lap joint is called a:
a) flange weld b) flare weld c) fillet weld d) slot weld e) spot weld
7. In a completed groove weld, the surface of the weld on the side from which the welding was done is called the:
a) crown b) weld reinforcement c) weld face d) root e) none of the above
8. In a completed weld, the junction between the weld face and the base metal is called the:
a) root b) weld edge c) weld reinforcement d) leg e) weld toe
9. The height of the weld above the base metal in a groove weld is called the:
a) crown b) buildup c) face d) weld reinforcement e) none of the above
10. The size of a spot weld is determined by its:
a) depth of fusion b) spot diameter c) depth of penetration d) thickness e) none of the above
11. You take part in the round table discussion “Geometry and quality of welds”. Use the information from Unit 7 and Unit 8 and your knowledge of welding engineering processes to speak about types of welding joints and their quality. For expressing your point of view in the discussion pay attention to the following linking phrases.
In my opinion …
From my point of view …
As far as I know …
As far as I am concerned …
As I see …
It is considered …
I am convinced that …
The main reason is that …
The most convincing argument is that …
Consider the use of …
The importance of this fact will become clear when we discuss …
Let us now consider …
12. In engineering it is necessary to compare different processes and developments. Write down a comparison of any two types of joint welds. Think of difference in the nature and geometry of welds, equipment, types of welding, materials to be processed and potential application of these types of joints. You can make your comparison using:
- the comparative form of the adjective or adverb (… is more effective … than …);
- linking words: such, as, but, whereas, in contrast etc.;
- expressions: such as, unlike, different from etc.
Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 500 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!