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Text 13

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1. Many critics of globalization say that it is a major cause of poverty, that it opens developing countries to exploitation by big foreign corporations, and that it results in people in wealthy countries losing jobs when cheaper foreign imports put their companies out of business. The world is regulated by multinational corporations not accountable to any government.

2. However, globalization helps economies grow – which means improving standards of living for billions of people around the world. Economic growth becomes an anti-poverty weapon. It means access to clean water, a safe house to live in, and a chance to educate their children to prepare for better future. Countries also enjoy greater political freedom.

3. The U.S. economic boom of the 1990s was motivated by globalization. Open borders allowed new ideals and technology to flow in freely from around the globe. Living standards went up when consumers and businesses were able to buy from countries producing better made products at better prices. In addition, export-oriented jobs generally pay more than those that are dependent on the local economy.

4. Globalization does benefit to some people. Access to technology and capital has created many new jobs for workers in developing countries. For example, millions of information technology jobs have been created in Ireland and India – not just in the U.S. Silicon Valley.

5. On the other hand, the high-salary workers in developed countries with little or no education watched millions of jobs taken away by newly productive Third World workers. This means they need additional training and education to find new jobs.

Какие абзацы текста наиболее точно соответствуют смыслу утверждений (A-G)?

A. Globalization benefits many people around the world by creating new jobs.

B. Economic growth of developing countries is the antipoverty weapon.

C. Globalization forces countries to open their economies to the world.

D. Globalization improver standards of living for billions of people around the world.

E. Globalization gives access to new ideas and technology.

F. Globalization leads to exploitation of developing countries by big foreign corporations.

G. In developed countries employees have to get additional training and education to find new jobs.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1667 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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