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The age of the train

Which do you prefer, the plane or the train?

We talk to Katie Francis. She’s twenty-eight years old and she’s a marketing consultant. She lives in London but she often works in France.

How does she get there?

‘I go by train. I take the train from Waterloo station through the Channel Tunnel.’

How long does the train take?

‘It takes three hours and I work during the journey. By plane, it takes an hour but you have to get to and from Charles de Gaulle airport.’

What time does she leave London?

‘There are several trains a day. I get the train at eight o’clock and arrive at the Gare du Nord station in Paris at midday French time. I work in an office which is very close, so I go there on foot. I’m at work by half past twelve.’

And when does she leave for home?

‘I usually stay at friend’s flat, work next day and get the seven o’clock train home. I get to London at nine o’clock British time, and I’m home by a quarter to ten.’

So what’s her opinion of the Channel Tunnel service?

‘It’s great. It’s definitely the age of the train.’

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What does Katie Francis do?

2. Where does she live?

3. How does she get to Paris?

4. How long does it take?

5. What time does she leave London?

6. What time does she arrive in Paris?

7. Where does she stay in Paris?

8. Does she like the Eurostar service?

9. What are the advantages (преимущества) of travelling by train for Katie?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 509 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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