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Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. My mother’s sister is my …..

a) aunt b) uncle c) nephew d) niece

2. My brother’s daughter is my ….

a) aunt b) uncle c) nephew d) niece

3. I go to work at nine … the morning.

a) at b) on c) in d) –

4. Do you work … the weekend?

a) at b) on c) in d) –

5. There aren’t … bookcases in the dining room.

a) some b) any c) a d) –

6. They’ve got … chairs in the study.

a) some b) any c) a d) –

7. I like … to the parties.

a) go b) to go c) to going d) going

8. When … you go to University?

a) is b) do c) does d) are

9. She …….. watching sport on TV.

a) don’t like b) not like c) doesn’t likes d) doesn’t like

10. I … reading novels.

a) don’t like b) not like c) doesn’t likes d) doesn’t like

11. I like Italian films. I always watch ….

a) it b) them c) us d) they

12. We see … friends on Saturdays.

a) their b) us c) our d) my

13. I’ve got a television in my ….

a) sitting room b) curtains c) shower d) cupboard

14. There are some …. on the windows.

a) study b) curtains c) shower d) cupboard

15. … children are at school now.

a) their b) their’s c) there c) there’s

16. I … a language in a language school.

a) learn b) watch c) read d) have

17. It is my … bag.

a) cousin b) cousin’s c) cousins’ cousins

18. We go to a club to …

a) study b) relax c) learn d) drive

19. She often … friends.

a) see b) does see c) sees d) does sees

20. ….. music do you like listening?

a) When b) What kind of c) Why d) What colour

21. I like going to the …

a) photography b) computer games c) magazines d) theatre

22. What is the odd word? (Какое слово лишнее?)

a) favourite b) popular c) comfortable d) wife

23. What is the odd word? (Какое слово лишнее?)

a) her b) their c) our d) he

24. What do you watch?

a) a tennis match b) dinner c) work d) a shower

25. What do you have?

a) a tennis match b) dinner c) skating d) jazz

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 327 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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