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Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. (In your work-book in written)

1. A time when a person is free from compulsory activities such as work, household duties, education, eating and sleeping is called free time or leisure time.
2. The notion of leisure time emerged in the 19th century with the rise of mechanised industry when workers could give more time to recreation and leisure.
3. The idea of relaxation is popular with all the age groups and social classes.
4. Middle-aged and old people normally prefer more passive kinds of rest; younger people enjoy more active pastimes like doing extreme sports, travelling, visiting discos and night clubs, and some more passive leisure time activities like watching videos or surfing the Internet.
5. Extreme sports are sports featuring speed, height and danger and leading to the so-called 'adrenaline rush' in participants who push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear.
6. Their tastes in music are different kinds of music associated with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, rap, punk rock, psychedelic rock and the like.
7. They prefer film genres which are full of action and cinema effects and have a good soundtrack, like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.
8. The US youngsters prefer blues, rock, country music and hip hop, baseball, auto-racing, basketball and board-based sports, as well as junk food.
9. British youngsters are fond of pets, pubs and traditional British sports; Spanish young people like watching bullfighting.
10. I prefer to spend my free time pursuing my hobby— collecting rare books, listening to jazz and classical music or doing swimming which helps me keep fit, be always in high spirits, build up my stamina and get tempered.
11. Music helps me relax and relieve stress which melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music, it provides an escape from everyday problems and sets distinct mood.
12. Jazz has a powerful rhythm, which fills you with energy and strength, provides a brilliant combination of instrumental tunes and voice, which creates unforgettable harmony.
13. I like classical music for the complexity of the musical harmony it offers and the emotions it evokes.
14. Hobbies are practised for interest and enjoyment and personal fulfilment, rather than for remuneration, though engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 542 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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