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Read and translate the text. Ukraine has different relations with many countries of the world

Ukraine has different relations with many countries of the world. We have wide relations with Canada, the USA, Great Britain and other countries. Recently a great number of various joint ventures and economic, cultural and political projects have appeared in Ukraine. Our specialists in different scientific fields improve their qualification abroad. We also have programs of students’ and schoolchildren’s exchange. English, Canadian and American children visit Ukrainian families, go to Ukrainian schools, while Ukrainian children stay at their host families abroad. These exchange programs help us to understand each other better, to study culture and traditions of other countries. A lot of Ukrainians have immigrated to Great Britain. That’s why in 1947 the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain was founded. This association has some Help Funds that sponsor different important actions. The association gives help to the Ukrainian students who study in British Universities. The same associations and societies exist in many other countries. From year to year the number of spheres of our relations with the countries abroad grows. Every year a lot of tourists visit Ukraine, while the Ukrainians go to the countries abroad. We hope our relations with other countries will go on growing.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 652 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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