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Illnesses caused by helminths migratory larvae. Dermal migratory larva (larva migrans)

Dermal migratory larva (Larva migrans)

The agent is hookworms of dogs and cats A. Brasiliense, A. Caninum, Uncinaria Stenocephale, larvae of Gnatostoma Spinigerum.

Beaches and other wet, sandy districts are the zones of increased hazard, as animals choose such places for defecation, and the eggs of A. Brasiliense well develop in such ground.


1. The clinical picture develops in some hours after the penetration of a larva.

2. Severe dermal itch.

3. Primary red papule.

4. Disorderly erythematic, linear elements.

5. Transient fugitive pulmonary infiltrates.

6. The increase of the amount of eosinocytes in the sputum.

7. Eosinophilia is up to 50 % in the blood.


The best drugs are Tiabendazol is prescribed in 25-50 mg/kg per os after meal for 2 days, ALBENDAZOL is applied 400 mg/day on one dose within 7 days, IVERMECTIN (Mectizan) is prescribed in single dose of 200 mg/kg and Mebendazolum is taken in 200 mg a day for 7-10 days.

TOXACARIDIS (visceral migratory larva)

In the people this helminthiasis is caUsed by ascarides of animals (Тохоcara Canis).

More than 2000 documentary confirmed cases of people infection are noted in USA and Europe. The incidents of invasion are described in 48 countries of the world.


1. Fever.

2. Morbid hepatomegalia.

3. Splenomegaly.

4. Dermal eraptions.

5. Relapsing pneumonia.

6. Leukocytosis with eosinophilia.

7. Hypergammaglobulinemia.


The only effective method of the treatment is not present. Diethylcarbomazin is the most affective drug. The application of Tiabendazol in the dose 25 - 50 mg/kg for 7 - 10 days is indicated.


The agent are the ascarides referred to the family of Anisakidae. There are more than 1000 cases of infection recognized in Netherlands and Japan and about several cases reported from Northern America. The people are infected by the use of raw, pickled or slightly salted fish delicateses, such as "green herring", such, sashimy, sunomono, chavicha and gravlax, which contain the larvae of the third stage of development.


1. Nausea and vomiting.

2. Epigastric colicy pains.

3. Diffuse morbidity of the stomach.

4. Fever.

5. Leukocytosis.

6. Eosinophilia.

7. Presence of larvae in tissues.


Symptomatic drugs are used.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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