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The dracontiasis affected approximately 50 million people in western, central and northeast districts of Africa, in Near East, in Iran, Pakistan, India, in northeast of Southern America, and also on islands of the Caribbean sea. The dracontiasis is a helminthiasis of a conjunctive and hypodermic tissue caused by a guinea worm (by a nematode Drancunculus medinensis). The signs of illness arise at the moment of perforation of a skin a pregnant female with the purpose of excretion eggs on external medium. The people catch at the use of raw drinking water.


1. Fever.

2. Generalized urticaria.

3. Periorbital edema.

4. Difficult breathing.

5. Formation of a bubble with the localization in the area of feet and malleoluses.

6. Local pain, itch.

7. Dracontiasis ulcers.

8. In laboratory diagnostics the indirect reaction of immunofluorescence (IRIF), IFA, intraskin allergy test are usually used.


If helminth is possible to palpate or clearly see its contours, it can sometimes be completely removed by means of one cut. It is possible to remove a helminth gradually if daily some centimeters of length of a parasite body are reeled up of a on a rod. The application of NIRIDAZOLUM (ambilgar) results in a fast cupping off symptoms. The drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 25 mg/kg of body mass fractionally in 3 receptions for 7 days. TIABENDAZOL prescribed in a dose of 55-150 mg/kg 2 times a day for 2 days or METRONIDAZOL 250 mg 3 times a day within 7 days also are effective for a cupping of signs.


The diseases is widely-spread in all the world. The causative agent - Enterobius vermicularis. The infection of the man occurs by swallowing mature eggs with food and by drifting them in to the mouth and nose with a dust.


Perianal itch — the most often sign of enterobiosis. It occurs in the evening and at night as a result of helminth creeping out from an anal aperture, when the sphincter is a little relaxed.


VANCIN (pervinium pamoatum) is used in 5 mg/kg of weight as a (single) course dose is applied inside. The endurance of the drug is good.

KOMBANTRINUM (Pyrantelum) is applied in a single dose of 10 mg on 1 kg of weight during meal.

VERMOXUM (Mebendazolum) is prescribed as a course for 1-2 days for adults in 100 mg 1-2 times a day, the children dose contains 2-2,5 mg/kg.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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