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Ascariasis is a most frequent helminthiasis. The causative agent is Ascaris Lumbricoides. The human being is a source of the disease.


In an early phase of ascariadosis the basis for diagnostics is the toxico-allergic syndrome (exanthema, eosinophilia)

Detection of ascarides larvas in sputum and immunological precipitation test with alive ascarides larvae.

In subsequent phases the detection of ascarides eggs during the research of feces by a saturation method (by Phulleborn or Kalantarjan method) can help in diagnostics.


LEVOMIZOL is prescribed once per day in 150 mg (adults) after supper before sleep. For children 50 mg to 20 kg of weight. Special preparation and giving laxative is not required.

MEBENDAZOL (Vermoxum). A dose for adults is 100 mg 2 times a day within 3-4 days. ALBENDASOL (Nemozole) has to be given in a single dose 400 mg.

KOMBANTRIN (Pyrantelum pamoatum) is prescribed in one dose of 10 mg/kg while meal for a 1 day.


Ancylostomidoses are wide-spread in tropical and subtropical zones, especially in Southern and Central America, Asia (India, Japan) and Africa. The agents are round helminths (Ancylostoma duadenale, A. Braziliense, Necator americanus). The infection occurs through the skin of legs during the contact with ground and as a result of using infected food.


1. Itch and erythema with papular rash in the place of larvas invegion

2. Cough, hoarseness.

3. Pharyngalgia, rising of temperature.

4. Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

5. Progressing anemia.

6. Depigmentation of skin in darkskinned people.

7. Food perversion: there occurs a wish to eat coal, clay, ground, paper.


Naftamonum is prescribed in 5 gr, only one dose, before meal during 1 - 3 days; Mebendazolum is nominated in 100 mg 2 times a day during 3 days; Levanizolum - up to 5 mg/kg one dose for 2-3 days, Tiabendazolum up tol 25 mg/kg 2 times a day for2 days. The drug of choice - ALBENDASOL (Nemozole) is prescribed in 400 mg 1-2 times a day for 1 day. In the development of iron deficiency anemia the iron preparations and Acidums folicum are proscribed.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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