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For the period of oscillations of scope without loads have

. (14.16)

Replacing in expressions (14.13) are (14.15) the first elements by expression (14.16), get

, (14.17)

~ L2 (14.18)

~ R2. (14.19)

Thus, dependences of squares of periods on the squares of the proper characteristic sizes after a theory must be linear. Thus segment which chops off a chart on wasp of ordinates (squares of periods) equals the square of period of oscillations of free scope, and does the tangent of angle of slope of graph depend on the coefficient of proportion k between a rotary-type moment and corner α (wonders formula (14.2)). Dependence is experimentally probed between the period of oscillations of T of turning pendulum and radius of cylinders (long pegs). A chart is built in the co-ordinates of T2 = f(R2) for cylinders, whether T2 = f(L2) for pegs. If a graphic will be lineal, then it high-quality confirms justice of theoretical formulas (14.17) and (14.18), and coinciding of values, which chop off this graphic on wasp of ordinates, with the square of period of scope in number confirm justice of these formulas. Except for it, on the tangent of angle of slope of the indicated graph it is possible to find a coefficient k, and more precisely relation of m/k2, and after a formula (14.19) to calculate the period of oscillations of Tk. If it a calculation value will be near to directly measured, it will confirm justice of theoretical formulas, and in particular, formulas (14.9).

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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