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Types of Business Correspondence

• Correspondence on social situations

Invitations: Accepting and Declining

• Appointments and Travel Arrangements

• Goodwill letters: Congratulations, Introductions, Condolence, Christmas and New Year Wishes

• Thanks for Hospitality, Requests

• Employment: Applications,

Letters of Recommendation, Giving notice

Correspondence on business situations

1. Inquiries

An inquiry (also spelt enquiry) is sent when a businessman wants some information, especially about

· the supply of goods

· leaflets or catalogues

· quotation or prices

· samples

· terms and discounts

· availability of goods

· delivery times and deadlines

· method of transport

· insurance

2. Quotations. Offers

The quotation in reply to an inquiry may be a simple one, containing simply the prices and other information asked for. The sales-conscious businessman, however, will take the opportunity to stimulate his correspondent's interest in his goods or services by including a sales message and the assurance that the customer will receive personal attention.

Offers are also sent without a preceding inquiry when a supplier wants to draw the attention of customers and new customers to a special product or range of goods. A firm offer is subject to certain conditions, a deadline for the receipt of orders, or a special price for certain quantities.

3. Sales Letters

Direct advertising, in the form of letters to a selected group of readers, is an effective way to promote sales. Such sales letters should appeal to the potential customer. They should:

· arouse the reader's attention

· create desire to make use of your offer

· convince him that these products or services are the best ones for him

· activate him to place an order

4. Counter-Proposals, Concessions

A buyer need not accept the prices and terms offered by the seller unconditionally. There will often be good reason to make a counter-proposal with the object of obtaining better prices or terms, or a shorter time of delivery. As a result of these negotiations, the supplier could make a concession, particularly for an introductory sale, or if the customer places a large order.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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