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UNIT 39 Factors of Production

Resources required for generation of goods or services, generally classified into four major groups:

LAND -Land is the natural resources on the planet including space on the ground, seas, oceans, air etc.

LABOUR -Labor is the human input (workers, managers etc) into the production process. The UK has about 58 million people of which approximately 35 million are of working age. Each individual has a different level of skills, qualities and qualifications. This is known as HUMAN CAPITAL.

CAPITAL -Man made physical goods used to produce other goods and services. Examples: machines, computers, tools, factories, roads etc. Increases in the level of capital are called INVESTMENT

ENTERPRISE -The entrepreneur provides the initial ideas. They risk their own resources in business ventures. They also organize the other 3 factors of production.

Extra factors are:

Capital — This has many meanings, including the financial capital raised to operate and expand a business. In much of economics, however, "capital" (without any qualification) means goods that can help produce other goods in the future, the result of investment. It refers to machines, roads, factories, schools, infrastructure, and office buildings which humans have produced in order to produce goods and services.

Fixed capital — This includes machinery, factories, equipment, new technology, factories, buildings, computers, and other goods that are designed to increase the productive potential of the economy for future years. Nowadays, many consider computer software to be a form of fixed capital and it is counted as such in the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States and other countries. This type of capital does not change due to the production of the good.

Working capital — This includes the stocks of finished and semi-finished goods that will be economically consumed in the near future or will be made into a finished consumer good in the near future. These are often called inventories. The phrase "working capital" has also been used to refer to liquid assets (money) needed for immediate expenses linked to the production process (to pay salaries, invoices, taxes, interests...) Either way, the amount or nature of this type of capital usually changed during the production process.

Financial capital — This is simply the amount of money the initiator of the business has invested in it. "Financial capital" often refers to his or her net worth tied up in the business (assets minus liabilities) but the phrase often includes money borrowed from others.

Technological progress — For over a century, economists have known that capital and labor do not account for all of economic growth. This is reflected in total factor productivity and the Solow residual used in economic models called production functions that account for the contributions of capital and labor, yet have some unexplained contributor which is commonly called technological progress. Ayres and Warr (2009) present time series of the efficiency of primary energy (exergy) conversion into useful work for the US, UK, Austria and Japan revealing dramatic improvements in model accuracy. With useful work as a factor of production they are able to reproduce historical rates of economic growth with considerable precision and without recourse to exogenous and unexplained technological progress, thereby overcoming the major flaw of the Solow Theory of economic growth

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 436 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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