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Questions to unit 42 What is human resource? What is human capital? What is human resources responsible for? On the example of customer oriented service delivery explain how the human resource work.


The functions of non-verbal communication

• To provide information, either consciously or unconsciously

• To regulate the flow of conversation

• To express emotion

• To qualify, complement, contradict, or expand verbal messages

• To control or influence others

• To facilitate specific tasks

To make letters understandable:

· Use short, precise words that say exactly what you mean.

· Rely on specific terms to explain your points. Avoid abstractions altogether, or illustrate them with concrete examples.

· Construct sentences that are shorter and simpler than those you might use when writing to someone fluent in English.

· Stay away from slang, jargon, and buzz words. Such words rarely translate well. Nor do idioms and figurative expressions. Abbreviations, tscfo-nyms (such as NOKAI) and CAD/CAM), and North American product names may also lead to confusion

· Use short paragraphs. Each paragraph should stick to one topic and be no more than eight to ten lines.

· Use numbers, visual aids, and pre-printed forms to clarify your message. These devices are generally understood in most cultures.

· Your word choice should also reflect the relationship between you and the reader.

· Help readers follow your train of thought by using transitional devices. Precede related points with expressions like in addition and first, second, third.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 292 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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