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Exercise 27

Guess what these people might say when complaining about the things other people do. The words given below may be helpful.

Light-minded, unsociable, unreliable, rude, impolite, ill-bred, unreserved, hot-tempered, nosy, obstinate, fussy, selfish.

► Use: a) He is so + adjective.

b) He is such a + adjective + noun.

Pattern: Nick's mother is complaining about her son who never obeys her.

— He is so disobedient. (He is such a disobedient boy). I'd like him to be obedient.

1. Jane is complaining about her son who never shares his problems with her.

2. The teacher is complaining about Jack who lacks good-manners.

3. Bill's friend is complaining of Вill who often lets him down and goes back on his word,

4. Mary is complaining of her sister who is very hard to get along with.

5. Jane is complaining about her classmate who is quick to get angry.

6. Tom is complaining of his playmate who cannot take him­self in hand.

7. Ann is complaining of her boss who often loses his temper and is hard to deal with.

8. All the women are complaining of Jim who never stands aside to let a woman enter a room before him and never helps any of them into her coat.

9. Dennis is complaining about Margaret who pokes her nose into his business.

10. The Headmaster is complaining of Paul who plays truant.

11. My sister's husband is complaining of my sister who makes so much fuss about the house.

12. Angela is complaining about her son who thinks only of himself.

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