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Exercise 8

Expand on the following.

1. The owners of the villa were a curious people.

2. Though fully two and a half years older than little Robin, Guido took no undue advantage of his superior intelligence and strength.

3. Robin adored Guido.

4. Guido was a thoughtful child.

5. Guido was immensely interested in listening to music.

6. Guido made excellent progress in playing the piano.

7. The boy was hardly a Mozart.

8. The theorem of Pythagoras seemed to explain Guide's mu­sical predilections.

9. I thought of the vast differences between human beings.

Exercise 9

Speak about the author's experience in Italy:

1. in the third person;

2. in the person of one of the proprietors;

3. in the регеод of Guido;

4. in the person of little Robin.

Exercise 10

Discussion points.

1. Did Guide's appearance correlate with his character? Why?

2. What could make Guido so patient and tolerant?

3. What do you think of little Robin? Compare the boys.

4. What sort of people were Robin's parents, in your opi­nion?

5. Fancy your own child imitating somebody slavishly. What would you tell him or her?

6. Have you ever met children like Guido? Tell the class about them.

7. Do you believe that genius always shows in early child­hood? Prove your point.

8. The vast differences between human beings — what are they?

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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