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Exercise 19

Work in small groups. Describe the following people: 1) one of your class-mates; 2) one of your favourite film-stars, singers, musicians; 3) a well-known public figure. Your partners should try to guess the name of the person you describe. Talk about the person's general appearance, face, clothes and anything else that would help your partners to recognise him or her.

► Use:

To have little make-up on the face; to enjoy good health; to be a picture of health; to lose one's good looks; to look after one's appearance; to be full of joy; to add to one's attraction; to have delicate features; to give somebody the impression of some­ thing; to be the perfect type of (the Englishman); to be dressed in something; to wear/to be wearing something; to have some­thing on; to be smartly/tastily/well dressed.

Exercise 20

Look at the following words used to describe people's character. Make two columns of 1) what you think are bad characteristics; 2) what you think are good characteristics.

tolerant generous sympathetic

irresponsible unsociable cruel

ambitious intelligent sly

patient silly even-tempered

thrifty sincere greedy

shrewd rude ill-mannered

bad characteristics good characteristics

II. Use some of the words in a sentence describing someone's character.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 456 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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