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Exercise 28

1. Read and translate the story. Answer and discuss in class the questions below. Continue the story.

It took a couple of weeks for classes to get settled, and then we got down to the nitty-gritty. As homework began pouring in, and tests loomed on the horizon, I realised that my study skills were very poor and that it was going to be a challenge in itself to teach myself to study. I experimented with several tac­tics, trying to find out what would work for me. I started out in the bedroom with the door closed, but it seemed the phone was always ringing. I managed to get my work done, but I was not pleased with this frustrating situation. Later I tried going out­side and preparing somewhere in the yard. I ended up chatting with a neighbour, petting her dog. Cleariy, something had to be changed. As my workload increased, so did my frustration. Quite by accident, however, I found the solution to my prob­lem...

II. Find the English equivalents to the Russian words and phases.

На это ушла пара недель, прийти в норму, засесть за что-либо, повседневная работа, наваливаться, маячить, сла­бые навыки, вызов, экспериментировать с чем-либо, обнаружить, начинать (разг.), удаваться, оканчиваться, удручающая ситуация, выходить из дома, болтать, работа накапливалась, разочарование, совершенно случайно, ре­шение проблемы.

III. Answer the questions and express your opinion on the following.

1. What advice would you give to a friend of yours if he or she had to deal with the problem of distraction?

2. What tactics do you personally choose to get yourself or­ganised and sit down to work?

3. Discuss in class the problem of getting oneself organised and concentrated when doing one's homework.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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